NC Fathers Rights

Judge Jennifer Knox, Judge Jane Gray, Wake County NC Courts, and Non-Custodial Families

Judge Jennifer Knox and Judge Jane GrayNC Fathers wants Judge Jennifer Knox and Judge Jane Gray of the Wake County NC Courts to answer some questions for Wake County non-custodial families. In looking at this article on Senator Richard Burr, why are the Wake County Courts so divisive and setup so that non-custodial families lose equal parentage and access to their children? Also, why is the NC Child Support Enforcement and NC Domestic Violence Coalition generating revenue on the backs of non-custodial families? Also, Judge Knox, why are you not supporting a system like equal shared parenting that brings more natural supports for children when they have equal resources and opportunities from both parents and sets of extended families? Judge Gray? NC Fathers asks that you share this article on Judge Jennifer Knox and Judge Jane Gray with other Wake County NC non-custodial families on the major social networks to help gain momentum on these important issues. Additionally, we ask that you join our MAILING LIST as we are building a centralized database of non-custodial fathers, paternal grandmothers, step-mothers, and other family members who have a desire vote on these important issues at the next state and federal elections.


Judge, courts, nc

Roughly half of custodial mothers today have male children who will one day be pushed to the margins of their kids lives if they experience a divorce and have children. Where do you think these non-custodial grandmothers (who will also be marginalized as well) will stand then? With Equally Shared Parenting Judge Knox?

Judge Jennifer Knox

Posts Related to Judge Jennifer Knox, Judge Jane Gray, and the Wake County Courts: Judge Kristin Ruth, Wake County Department of Social Services, Wake County Sheriff Donnie Harrison

Jane Grey is no longer a Wake County NC Judge per the 2012 elections, please see our article on Judge Dan Nagle who replaces her.

Judge Jane Gray, Judge Jennifer Knox, and Wake County Non-Custodial Families

Judge Jennifer Knox and Judge Jane Gray, as well as legislators in Wake County, need non-custodial fathers, step-mothers, paternal grandmothers, and other non-custodial family members votes in the next election. It is important for members of the non-custodial family to recognize that they are a very significant population of voters that can change the system on a dime if they become united and vote on this issue.

NC Fathers is encouraging all readers to send their local, State, and Federal Senators and Representatives a email and let them know that they are more than a federal child support enforcement MPI # and visitor to their children.


Judge Jennifer Knox and Judge Jane Gray should also recognize that non-custodial families come from all ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds and thus represent the largest swing vote in NC.

It is important to note that Judge Jane Gray has her sights set on being a Justice in the NC Appellate Courts where she will be allowed to write opinions for all Judges across the State. NC Fathers believes that it is important for Judge Gray to speak with Wake County non-custodial families on ways of improving the NC Family Courts so that there is equality after rulings. Will Judge Jane Gray do this for Wake County non-custodial families?

Judge Jane Gray, Judge Jennifer Knox, and the Wake County District Courts

Surely Judge Jennifer Knox and Judge Jane Gray will recognize the following problems in the Wake County Family Courts, but if they don’t, consider helping them find new careers because these issues are having a significant impact on tens of thousands of non-custodial families and their minor children.

  • Judge Knox, why are mothers continuing to get custody of children 85% of the time despite no presumption for who gets custody? If 85% of women were not allowed to vote, would you have a problem Judge Gray?
  • Why are Judges in Wake County not concerned that when custodial mothers get into financial trouble, there are excessive state and federal assistance programs for them to recover, but Judges only offer jail for non-custodial fathers when they get into financial trouble?
  • Is Judge Jennifer Knox concerned that if the State of NC is generating revenue off of child support enforcement for social services low income programs, is there a wide open door for social services to deal very harshly with men and fathers? What about you Judge Jane Gray?
  • Why do custodial mothers get a free attorney in child support matters, while non-custodial families have to secure lawyers at $5000 per incident?
  • Surely Judge Jane Gray will recognize a significant absent father problem in NC. If this is true, why is Judge Jennifer Knox allowing custodial mothers to move their kids away from non-custodial families?
  • Surely Judge Jennifer Knox will recognize a significant absent father problem in Wake County, so why is Judge Jane Gray only giving some non-custodial fathers 4-5 day a month visitation?
  • Are Judges Knox and Gray handing out domestic violence restraining orders like candy on zero evidence based allegations that hopeful custodial mothers use as a tactical weapon to gain favor in divorce and custody court?
  • If Wake County non-custodial fathers and families are funding social services, is there any relation to low visitation awards to maximize child support and funding for social services Judge Knox? Judge Gray?

NC County Court

Seriously folks, if Judge Jennifer Knox and Judge Jane Gray do not recognize these problems that are systematically alienating non-custodial families because of politics, funding for big government programs, and special interest groups who have considerable influence over Judges and the political parties they are affiliated with, it is time to show you power as voters by joining our MAILING LIST.

If you are a Wake County NC non-custodial family and have a desire to have equal parentage and access to your minor children, then we encourage you to routinely share this article on Judge Jennifer Knox and Judge Jane Gray on the major social networks like Facebook and Twitter using the sharing buttons below.

Show Support by Copying and Pasting the code below to your Website or Blog:

Please Ask <a href="">Judge Jennifer Knox</a> and <a href="">Judge Jane Gray</a> to bring Equal Shared Parenting to Wake County children.

December 18, 2011 - Posted by | Uncategorized |


  1. I am a Wake County step-mother who has have the unfortunate experience of watching Judge Jane Gray continiously deny my husband any type of meaningful relationship with his daughter from a previous marriage, while allowing the custodial mother to do as she wants. Although, I don’t think that Judge Gray is the only one as it seems all Judges in the Wake County Courts have established a policy of the mother wins and dad loses. Are any of the Judges you write about even talking with you guys?


    Comment by Allison | October 6, 2012 | Reply

    • Allison,
      We do not expect Judge Gray to contact us, or for that matter any Judge in Wake County. This article is not intended for these Judges to see our point of view, as they get “trained” by organizations and special interest groups that do not share your point of view. Attorneys in Wake County have no interest in a equal family law court because there is too much money to be made in retainers when parents fight for 18 years, and giving one parent all the power, resources, and control allows for this fighting. Our article on Judge Jane Gray is for the non-custodial family members such as yourself to find our organization, join it, encourage others to do so and eventually we end up with a lot of voters that force the changes Judges refuse to make.


      Comment by stompkinsnc | October 6, 2012 | Reply

  2. Let’s call this for what it is. Judge Jennifer Knox is a man hater. She is just vile and disgusting.


    Comment by John | July 23, 2013 | Reply

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