NC Fathers Rights

Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services

Mecklenburg County Department of Social ServicesIs the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services biased in working with Mecklenburg County non-custodial fathers and families? If you are in a NC non-custodial family and you have a history with Social Services and found their dealings with you to be illegal, biased, or unfair, then we ask that you contact us immediately and join our MAILING LIST. Also, we ask that you routinely share this article on the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services with other Mecklenburg County NC non-custodial families on the major social networking sites to help educate others. NC Fathers is a State of NC organization of non-custodial families who we believe equal greater than 60% of the voting population in NC and can immediately reform the NC Family Courts and Social Services agencies in one election cycle if united and willing to vote on this important issue. Please read our article on Senator Richard Burr to get an exhaustive breakdown of the issues we will touch on briefly in this article.


Judge, courts, nc

Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services and Fathers
Mecklenburg County NC

Roughly half of custodial mothers today have male children who will one day be pushed to the margins of their kids lives if they experience a divorce and have children. Where do you think these non-custodial grandmothers (who will also be marginalized as well) will stand then? With Equally Shared Parenting?

Department of Social Services
Posts Related to the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services – Representative Thom Tillis, Judge Matt Osman, Sheriff Chipp Bailey

Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services, Immunity From Lawsuits, NC Domestic Violence, and Child Support Enforcement

Few non-custodial families in Mecklenburg County realizes that the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services has immunity from lawsuits brought by individuals or families for any wrongdoing they commit even if it is illegal. NC Fathers believes that this is a dangerous situation for anyone, but especially for non-custodial families since Social Services derives so much federal and state funding FROM non-custodial families to help replenish low income assistance programs.

Anyone reading this article should immediately contact and share this article with your local, state, and federal Representatives and Senators and let them know that this complete protection from accountability in the courts is excessively dangerous for Mecklenburg County residents because when Social Services acts illegally or are biased in their investigations and dealing with area residents, the consequences for children and families can be devastating.

NC Fathers hears DAILY from other Mecklenburg County NC non-custodial families about how abuses at Social Services affects lives.

NC Fathers believes that NC Domestic Violence is a insidious problem that needs to be addressed. However, the problem with the NC Domestic Violence Coalition and policies of the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services is that Domestic Violence is ONLY a MALE on FEMALE issue despite federal statistics showing that FEMALE on FEMALE violence and FEMALE on MALE violence occurs just as frequently. We believe that Social Services is only focused on MALE Domestic Violence because the framers of the Domestic Violence response in NC was written from a radical feminist point of view and any violence not from men is seen as extremely rare and affecting few. However, NC Fathers believes that issues of false domestic violence allegations and restraining orders issued by politically motivated Judges on ZERO or low evidenced based violence allegations do affect millions of non-custodial families for years and ALWAYS alienates them from their children and wins favor of the accuser in divorce and child custody matters.

The problem is that the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services gets an unbelievable amount of money to fund domestic violence programs, services, and shelters for women only. Thus, it opens the argument that Social Services NEEDS men to be offenders so that funding can continue to flow. NC Fathers believes that policies and procedures written by administrators at Social Services insures that staff working with non-custodial fathers will find that men are likely batterers so that women and children can get assistance.  And, we want to make it very clear that we hear from FEMALES in the paternal non-custodial family about these issues daily.

Child Support and Abuse and Bias

If the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services staff and administrators were to focus on ALL domestic violence instead of just MALE domestic violence, they would then have to develop and implement programs and services for these men, and build shelters. Unfortunately, this would cut into the funding for WOMEN who gets services and we believe that this sets men and females in the family up for failure.

Also, be sure to read this post on how far the Domestic Violence groups are willing to go to stigmatize non-custodial fathers (and female family members by proxy) to further their agenda.

The Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services derives untold millions of dollars in REVENUE from Mecklenburg County non-custodial families each year to help fund low income assistance programs for women and children. Before going any further, we want to you read SECTION 458 of the Social Security Act Title IV Part D which insures that the State of NC and Social Services agencies get TWO dollars back from Social Security for every ONE dollar collected in child support via enforcement. How do you feel knowing that by paying child support, you are funding low income assistance programs? Is there any relation to Judges NOT giving men custody or giving LOW visitation awards so that child support and accompanying funding can be maximized? Does this open the boor for bias and abuse by Social Services staff and administrators who NEEDS for men to be “Deadbeat Fathers” so that they can get funding? We certainly think so.

Additionally, how many millions of dollars do you think this software company will bill the federal government to implement this child support program? Who is going to pay for this Social Services project? Mecklenburg County non-custodial families will via INCREASED collection of child support to insure INCENTIVE PAYMENTS.

Do you think it is possible that politically motivated Judges and Social Services agencies are in concert together to stay in the good graces of child support enforcement lobbyist to make sure that Social Services and low income assistance services stay alive? We do.

Do you think that this software company has lobbyist working for their agenda? We do. Do you think Judges and Legislators are affected by lobbyist? We do.

The sick part about all of this special interest and funding of the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services for these groups to meet their agendas is that all of this is being done on the backs of paternal grandmothers, step-mothers, fathers, paternal aunts and uncles, and all other paternal family members not having equal access and parentage of their minor children and it needs to stop.

Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services and NC Non-Custodial Families

The Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services cannot survive and continue to derive funding OFF Mecklenburg County non-custodial families if millions of family members are screaming at Judges and Legislators to stop this practice. NC Fathers has no problem with low income assistance programs or social services, but not at the expense of millions of non-custodial families being alienated from their children.

It is VERY important that non-custodial family members get educated on the politics, special interest groups, and back room deals associated with money and child support enforcement agency so that they can put a stop to it. Be sure that these lobbyists, and Judges are very well funded and entrenched groups who make money (lawyers charging $5000 retainers every few years because the courts are setup to insure fighting) off of a divisive system.

You can help send a message to Legislators, Judges, and the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services administrators by extensively and routinely sharing this article with others on social networks and by joining our MAILING LIST.

NC Fathers message to the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services is that this site is getting 1800+ visits per day and we already have thousands on our mailing list. Our organization is going to continue to use advanced social media and search engine marketing to hopefully reach every single NC non-custodial family and educate them on these social services abuses. It is just a matter of time before these families realize that they are NOT visitor family members who should only have 4 days a month visitation with their children and who should be subjected to a federal enforcement program who issues us a unique MPI number.

Social Services can be reformed, but only if millions of NC non-custodial families are willing to join with us and start affecting legislation.

Again, please share this important article on the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services with other Mecklenburg County non-custodial family members on sites like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and other networks using the sharing buttons below so that we can build an extensive MAILING LIST of families in NC who need to reform the NC Family Courts and Social Services agencies so that non-custodial families can have equal parentage and access to their children compared to maternal families.

If as a non-custodial family you have a significant story top tell about how you believe the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services and Child Protective Services acted overly aggressive with you, but there are plenty of examples where this agency did everything possible to work with mothers then we encourage you to use the comment system below to send us your message.

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Is the <a href="">Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services</a> biased in dealing with Mecklenburg County NC Non-Custodial Families?

December 20, 2011 - Posted by | Uncategorized |


  1. I am a non-custodial grandmother, and can attest FIRST HAND that this article is dead ON when it comes to the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services and Child Support Enforcement. We had a worker over the other night after an anonymous caller made a complaint and it was clear that the mother of my son’s child did it. It wasn’t ten minutes into the conversation that the worker started asking questions about child support. Anonymous complaints have become a joke, and social services knows that it is used to harass other parents during times of conflict.


    Comment by Margaret G | September 23, 2012 | Reply

    • Margaret, thank you for your comments on Mecklenburg County DSS, and it is good to hear from women in paternal families who get equally hurt in the biased and abusive social services system. Be sure to follow us on Facebook.


      Comment by stompkinsnc | September 23, 2012 | Reply

  2. The Mecklenburg County Dept of Social Services is without a doubt one the most arrogant agencies I have ever seen. I thought they treated everyone like this, but I can see where if custodial parents are the people they provide services for, and non-custodial parents are the people they get money from to provide these services, then yea there will be abuse and bias. Child protective services at this agency is just deplorable.


    Comment by James Hitchcock | October 3, 2012 | Reply

  3. It is amazing that Mecklenburg County social services is overly sensitive with mothers who have abuse and neglect cases and the agency does everything possible to provide counseling and parenting classes with the goal of reunification, but let a father catch a abuse and neglect charge and social services is VERY quick to make sure he gets no services, labeled an abuser, and removed from his kids lives for as long as possible.


    Comment by Anthony (Mecklenburg County Father) | May 12, 2013 | Reply

  4. Child Protective services under this agency is a joke. They keep letting mothers go left and right but sure will hook a father up.


    Comment by Kelvin | May 12, 2013 | Reply

  5. Mecklenburg County social services has been very biased with my son and his daughter. The mother calls once a month to make complaints and each time they are unfounded. When exactly are the supervisors and the director going to prosecute her for abusing the system? Although each case has been unfounded, we have to spend upwards of $3000 with an attorney.


    Comment by Amber Lynn (Mecklenburg County Grandmother) | May 12, 2013 | Reply

    • You attorney should really be filing an action against her, a complaint with the director, and if need be with DHHS in Raleigh.


      Comment by stompkinsnc | May 12, 2013 | Reply

  6. Social Services in Mecklenburg County has a long history of corruption and abuses not only against fathers, but everyone in an attempt to justify their jobs and pull in state and federal money each time they do something. This is nothing more than job justification. If they weren’t placing kids in foster care, or finding someone abusive, or whatever they could not then ask the state for more money which keeps them employed.


    Comment by Jacob (Mecklenburg County Father) | May 12, 2013 | Reply

    • Jacob you are correct. Social Services and CPS get federal and state money each time they make a case, add them to statistics, and call for future money. They actually NEED abuse and neglect to be occurring so that they can justify their jobs.


      Comment by stompkinsnc | May 12, 2013 | Reply

  7. The one thing that really bothers be about social services is that when they remove children from mothers homes, they do not automatically give the child to a legal father and instead will either place the child with a maternal grandmother or foster care. This just proves they are anti-father. The father is then under the burden to spend thousands of dollars just to get access to the child. For how many more decades are we fathers going to put up with this abusive system?


    Comment by Tony (Mecklenburg County Father) | May 12, 2013 | Reply

  8. Has anyone in NC Fathers looked into whether Mecklenburg County DSS and CPS have increased workloads during economic downturns and they budgets are being slashed and where they create problems just so they can get more federal and state money? Does anyone here think DSS could move on fathers more aggressively and remove what visitation they do get so that they can collect more child support and thus federal money?


    Comment by Darnel (Mecklenburg County Father) | May 12, 2013 | Reply

    • Mecklenburg County DSS will just say that with economic downturn comes more depression, anxiety and substance abuse which causes more abuse and neglect, but it will amazingly only show fathers as having those issues.


      Comment by stompkinsnc | May 12, 2013 | Reply

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