NC Fathers Rights

Barry Goldstein, Domestic Violence Expert With A Book To Sell

Barry Goldstein, Domestic Violence Expert With A Book To SellBarry Goldstein is a self-appointed domestic violence expert, former New York lawyer, feminist, author, consultant, and regular speaker on violence issues as it relates to mothers – and only mothers. Barry Goldstein is a regular speaker at the battered mothers custody conference and is a ardent lobbyist against equality in the family courts on the premise that fathers use custody battles to torment mothers and further their patriarchy upon them. Recently, I decided to look at his Facebook page and saw many references to “supremacist” and “abusers” when speaking about all fathers. It should be noted that Barry Goldstein lost his ability to practice law in the State of New York in 2009 for 5 years after the appellate courts in that State found him to have engaged in verbal comments before the courts that were “dishonest, false, or misleading” and failing to maintain a trust account. Mr. Goldstein regularly suggested that judges in New York were giving children to “abusers” when female clients of his lost custody. More HERE from the New York Courts. And, it seems that the suspension of his law license did nothing to curtail language suggestive of what an actual abuser looks like because in 2014 he still engages in the same verbal misconduct the appellate courts admonished him for.

It should be noted that Mr. Goldstein advocates for this documentary which encourages mothers to consider leaving the country with their children when the courts do not give them custody and they ALLEGE some type of misconduct (even if unfounded by the courts) by your sons. We hope you will share this documentary with NY officials who will consider his law license reinstatement.

No Way Out But One Official Trailer from Garland Waller on Vimeo.


And, it appears that many mothers in the movement for which Barry is a lightning rod actually use the same types of language suggesting that the conspiracy theory that lawyers train litigants to manufacture domestic violence as a tactic tool in the courts is not a conspiracy theory after all.

Let’s hope the NY appellate courts recognize this when it comes time to consider giving him his law license back.

Despite losing his law license, Barry Goldstein continues to lobby against shared parenting and is a cheerleader for the “all mothers are natural protective parents, all fathers are child molesters and batterers” movement because he has books to sell and conferences to give speeches at – for a fee of course.

Of course, there may be a reason for that, because Barry makes a living off domestic violence actually existing and continuing to exists, but not all violence, JUST violence against women. In fact, Mr. Goldstein is a prime example of why the Divorce Corp documentary was produced (January 2014) – to show that there is a “cottage industry” around family law where groups create conflict, anger, and hatred so that litigants will continue to fight and push money into the system. Mr. Goldstein’s verbal sparring with “supremacist” and “abusive” fathers much to the delight of “naturally protective mothers” who lost custody sets the stage for a tremendous amount of book sales, lobbyist ventures, speaker fees, and other capitalistic gains from his gender warfare baiting.

barry goldstein former lawyer protective mothers domestic violence lawyer in new york battered mother custody conference lost his law license lost his law license in new york Barry Goldstein and the courts lobbyist author who has books to sell mothers advocate public speaker

In our opinion, anyone who capitalizes on domestic violence actually existing and not doing everything possible to end all violence needs to have his/her law license removed, and discredited with legislators which he has ample access to. But for many in the “protective mother, we hate the father of our child” movement, Barry Goldstein is the go to guy in attempting to reverse the courts that are trying to become more balanced, fair, and equal so that children have access to both parents and extended families.

Barry Goldstein And His Misguided Domestic Violence Efforts Are Actually Hurting Mothers

Anyone want to guess how much money the “protective mothers” Barry Goldstein advocates for have spent in the family courts fighting and fighting because he keeps them worked up? Perhaps if these mothers spent a little more time thinking about their children and doing what the courts asked instead of being on the Internet using highly inflammatory language, they might find that their situation resolves itself.

Tammy Risaliti - protective mother

Second, are these protective mothers even considering the fact that most of them have sons who one day will grow up to become fathers, and that their efforts to maintain a mother centered court using the notion that ALL Fathers are naturally abusive is setting them up for the mother of their grandchildren to get on the public Internet and excoriate him and capitalize on Goldstein’s framework? How is the mother above going to feel when she becomes a marginalized grandmother because she has a son?

Is Barry Goldstein and the domestic violence cottage industry aware that well over half of the population of members in the father’s rights / shared parenting movement is women in paternal families?

Surely Barry Goldstein is aware of Leading Women For Shared Parenting and SAVE which boasts female members and executive directors?

Of course Barry is, but after losing his law license he has money to make, money that comes from using the emotion of domestic violence as a weapon to deny fathers and women in paternal families the possibility of shared parenting while suppressing the knowledge that women are abusive as well. Again, capitalizing on the existence of violence against anyone is deplorable and we are asking shared parenting activist, fathers rights activist, and sane protective mothers to realize that the family courts and people like Mr. Goldstein purposefully create conflict in order to derive financial gain and political stature. For this, we must use Barry’s efforts as a teachable moment and use his language and actions to draw in more and more people devoted to family law reform.

We hope that you will share this important article with friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other social networks who may be in non-custodial families, or with someone who may be a child advocate and recognizes that our family court industry and groups attached to them are causing unnecessary conflict with children and families. And yes Barry, fathers, step-mothers, paternal grandmothers, and aunts and uncles are family.

Update: Scroll down in the comments to the graphic of Claudine Dombrowski and Mr. Goldstein talking about male supremacist abusers. Is it not clear that this man has taught mothers to say these things so that they get attention and win custody battles? This is exactly why he lost his law license and here he is in 2014 still doing it. Is this what is going on at the battered mothers custody conference?

where is her lawyerShame on you Barry, shame on you for only standing up for women and children who have experienced domestic violence and death, shame on you for not advocating for this child, her torture, her need for survival. In all the presentations you give, I want you to remember this child and for anyone who gasps at this article and shakes their head, you remember you are part of the problem because you are doing a great job of only ending half the problem of violence and abuse.

Tags: Barry Goldstein, Domestic Violence, Protective Mothers

January 3, 2014 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. WOW, send ole Barry down to NC and I will be glad to sit him down without saying a word and let him look at Dr’s reports, lab reports, pictures, and pharmacy records if he REALLY thinks women can’t be abusive to their children. Think he would be OK with me leaving the country? Typical gender ideologue.


    Comment by Rick | January 3, 2014 | Reply

    • Rick, as you can see, he does not want to know the truth, he is too busy pushing a political ideology that drives money into his bank account. He likely goes to bed wondering when these mothers are going to figure it out.

      domestic violence lawyer and author


      Comment by stompkinsnc | January 4, 2014 | Reply

  2. While not an indictment of all mothers, since this person insists on his dogma against all fathers, simply go to Youtube and search woman hits child. Yet, this man can’t do that?


    Comment by Garrett | January 3, 2014 | Reply

  3. Barry Goldstein would put Mo Hannah’s face on a mug and sell it for $15 if he could and give 10 cents to domestic violence. True lawyer


    Comment by Paul | January 3, 2014 | Reply

    • The problem with this is that feminist have insulated themselves, they will say those women killed their children because a man made them do it. Feminism takes all accountability and moral agency away from women. Literally everything bad is a man’s fault.


      Comment by Tom | January 3, 2014 | Reply

      • Which makes Barry more money 🙂


        Comment by stompkinsnc | January 3, 2014

  4. Domestic violence goes both ways it is not only the father.


    Comment by Calan | January 3, 2014 | Reply

  5. Oh give the guy a break, getting a bunch of clients to go out on the Internet and repeat the things you say on your Facebook page and at conferences is a good business model!


    Comment by Dawn | January 3, 2014 | Reply

    • Hahaha, nothing like Satire to make a point. We will certainly draw the correlation when it comes time for law license reinstatement.


      Comment by stompkinsnc | January 3, 2014 | Reply

  6. He is doing more damage to these mothers than he realizes. Instead of having them reflect on mistakes they made and overcome them, he is teaching them to fight instead of grow into better parents.


    Comment by Margaret | January 3, 2014 | Reply

  7. feminist dogma, maintain perpetual victimology, generate money and political from it, invest in your agenda.


    Comment by Salvatore | January 3, 2014 | Reply

    • You mean like pointing out to sane mothers with sons that their son’s demise is represented by the red arrow?

      New York Feminist


      Comment by stompkinsnc | January 3, 2014 | Reply

      • feminist dogma— with a key emphasis on dog.


        Comment by Navin R. Johnson | January 3, 2014

  8. I too invite Barry Goldstein to come to Tennessee after North Carolina to talk with local law enforcement and social services about the idea that women never hurt their children. I too will keep my mouth shut and let him read. Cmon sir, step out of your comfort zone and prove your point without your supporters patting you on the back.


    Comment by Evan | January 3, 2014 | Reply

  9. The only true way to fix this family law nightmare and domestic violence is for us all to come together for the kids. My ex-wife and I hate each other but when we are around our kids you would think we are best friends, it can be done. My children are not one of the statistics because of it.


    Comment by Mark | January 3, 2014 | Reply

  10. So if protective mothers can flee the country and become a fugitive, can we fathers when we have custody and manufacture violence and molestation to maintain custody? Surely not right? Seriously, him advocating for that damn well needs to be reported to whatever organization handles lawyer grievances.


    Comment by Thomas | January 3, 2014 | Reply

  11. Can you get a screenshot, with the Facebook URL of him continuing to call all fathers supremacist and abusers even after his license got suspended?


    Comment by Alan | January 3, 2014 | Reply

    • Click to enlarge

      Law license revoked


      Comment by stompkinsnc | January 3, 2014 | Reply

      • Calling your wife a name is now considered domestic violence, yet he colludes with people that do the same? Perhaps they are closet domestic offenders? Is this why Claudine Dombrowski lost custody? Why Mr. Goldstein won’t get his law license back? Looks like abuser type language to me.


        Comment by Michael | January 3, 2014

  12. Barry Is a good person who is actually very brave. I know a friend and ex client of his. She and her family had to flee because the abusive father (profoundly abusive) was granted partial custody.

    He is not someone who believes women cant be abusive he does however believe that women stand to suffer the most during divorce and separation. Its a hard road for abused women.

    I think he understands that. People are quick to judge.


    Comment by Lisa | January 10, 2014 | Reply

    • Thank you for commenting Lisa. Can you please give us some examples of how women and mothers stand to lose the most after a divorce or during a separation?


      Comment by stompkinsnc | January 10, 2014 | Reply

  13. Another offensive article from Barry GOLDstein:

    Let’s dance to “Money Can’t Buy Me Love” while we cry and grieve over these court tragedies..good one Barry!

    Barry: “Most custody cases are settled more or less amicably. In our still sexist society mothers provide most of the child care even when both parents have outside jobs. Parents who love their children and place their welfare first usually create a parenting arrangement in which the children live with the mother and spend plenty of time with the father. Loving fathers want this for their children because the mother is the primary attachment figure so the children need her more. The mother is probably the more skilled parent because she has provided so much more of the child care. Even many abusive fathers are unwilling to deliberately hurt their children by separating them from their mother. These cases usually settle with the father gaining an unfair financial settlement so the mother can have custody. Abuser groups take these voluntary agreements that mostly provide custody to the mother as their proof the courts favor women.”

    Offensive and wrong on so many levels!!!

    “We need Congressional Oversight Hearings to expose the fraudulent waste of federal funds that often is used to help abusers gain custody. We need to investigate why unqualified and dishonest professionals who are part of the cottage industry are allowed to inflate costs and hurt children…”

    Yeah Congress investigate Barry and the crooks in the mother’s movement!


    Comment by Pat | March 15, 2014 | Reply

  14. Barry Goldstein charges up to $10,000 working as an expert witness and yet he has the nerve to tell us #TheQuincySolution will save $500 billion…while creating a new job for himself!


    Comment by Maddy Bridges | October 19, 2014 | Reply

  15. Barry Goldstein has gone too far! In his latest exploitation, Barry is saying that Alissa and Deanna Hochman would be alive today if only the Quincy Solution and Safe Child Act were implemented.

    Direct Quote: “Anne, Alissa and Deanna could be alive today if Westchester had adopted the Quincy Solution. I believe the best way to honor Alissa Hochman and Deanna Hochman is to learn from the preventable tragedy by implementing the best practices to make women and children safe in their homes.”

    And here is Barry drumming up business as this family, and this community is still grieving the loss: (Direct Quote) “I am disturbed, however that the “experts” relied on by custody courts routinely make the same mistakes and policy makers don’t tend to consult domestic violence advocates when making decisions related to men’s abuse of women.”

    This shameless profiteering at the tragedy this family, and the community of Westchester is experiencing is reprehensible.


    Comment by UnProtective Barry | February 25, 2015 | Reply

  16. Barry Goldstein looks to Kelly Rutherford to use her case as an example for family court reform, perfect for his book.. or is it? Barry uses Rutherford as an example of court failure. Ignoring serious red flags:


    Comment by T.J. | August 12, 2015 | Reply

  17. Did Barry Goldstein get his law licence back or is he just now profiting from domestic violence by giving speeches and writing books instead of letting that money filter down to the shelter levels?


    Comment by Karen | August 12, 2015 | Reply

  18. Barry clearly ovulated and has menses regularly. Why else would he slam single fathers trying to gain equal access to their kids? Oh wait.. he was a lawyer! He’s selling something! Well then, clearly this ex attorney who has no allterior motove and who happens to be of the Jewish persuasion, MUST be telling the truth…right? Run out and buy his crappy man-trashing book because theres just not enough screwed up kids running around fatherless yet. By all means, ignore the words like “balance “and “equality ” because face it,…Berry needs money.


    Comment by Samurai Mindset | November 18, 2018 | Reply

  19. I’ve spent my entire life recovering from my mothers abuse after she was awarded sole custody in the divorce. She beat me until I was old enough to leave. Barry is an idiot.


    Comment by Samurai Mindset | November 18, 2018 | Reply

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