NC Fathers Rights

Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin And Baby Veronica – Your Activism Needed

Republican Governor Mary FallinOklahoma Republican Governor Mary Fallin, as it relates to the baby Veronica and Dusten Brown matter, has lost all respect one can imagine with this organization. Unfortunately, being a NC organization for Fathers Rights and Equally Shared Parenting, Governor Fallin probably does not care what we think, but in this article we are going to give compelling information that many Oklahoma families should consider in future elections Governor Fallin runs in, as well as future elections any Republicans run in as they are complicit in this matter. Here is the problem for the Governor, according to the national census done in 2007, it was found that 40.7 percent of children in the United States were born to parents who were not married, a figure that rose 8 percentage points from just six years prior. In 2013, it is estimated that well over 46% of children in the U.S. are being brought into the world in very complex legal situations which the Oklahoma Governor and Republicans in the State refuse to do anything about. To add more problems to this disturbing data, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin is complicit in not fixing Okla. Stat. tit. 10, § 7501-1.2 which simply states that:

A birth mother is under no obligation to inform the putative father of her pregnancy. In fact, if a birth mother creates an adoption plan during her pregnancy, she is not required to serve the Notice of Plan for Adoption on the putative father. If a putative father is served a Notice of Plan for Adoption, he must follow one of the options outlined in the notice. If he fails to act upon the Notice of Plan for Adoption, his failure to act will be seen by a court as a denial of interest in asserting parental rights and will be sufficient grounds to terminate his parental rights.”

Furthermore, that…

Oklahoma law places the burden upon the putative father to learn if a pregnancy resulted from a relationship with the birth mother.


Clarification: At the time this article was published, Dusten Brown is not incarcerated or on his way to South Carolina to answer to the charges Governor Haley wants him to answer to even though he turned himself in after Governor Fallin signed an arrest warrant for him. Dusten has an Oct 3rd, 2013 hearing which could decide if he is extradited or not.

Republican Governor Mary Fallin And Dusten Brown

Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, A RepublicanIn short, the Baby Veronica Brown and Dusten Brown case simply revolves around a disgusting and unethical law in Oklahoma that allows Mothers to conceive a child with a Man 46% of the time, never tell him, start an adoption, and put the burden on the Father in a VERY short period of time to discover that all this is happening and try to stop it. Of course, the obvious 800 lb gorilla in the room is how was Dusten Brown supposed to provide support to Baby Veronica and the Mother if there is a system in place that advocates him never knowing?

As stated earlier, our organization had little respect for Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin in the beginning of this article, but knowing about Okla. Stat. tit. 10, § 7501-1.2 and the burden the Governor is placing on families related to almost half of children born in Oklahoma, our level of disrespect is now through the roof.

But in the Baby Veronica and Dusten Brown matter, it gets worse.

Governor Mary Fallin has information that Dusten Brown was being deployed to Iraq while all of this was going on and expected him to discover a pregnancy that the State advocates him never knowing about, to begin legal proceedings, and do so while shipping off to defend this county as a U.S. soldier.  Knowing this, our level of disrespect is now at a extreme anger because it is not Dusten Brown who has created the problems that Governor Fallin says he is not working to fix, it is fact the Oklahoma statutes that have created this controversy which is likely having serious implications on now 4 yr old Veronica. And then for her to sign an arrest warrant on him so that he can be extradited to another stand to stand before a Judge on felony charges?

Here Are The Groups Of People We Think Should Take Issue With Governor Mary Fallin and Republicans In The State Of Oklahoma As It Relates To The Baby Veronica Adoption Case:

  • Every Father in the State of Oklahoma, be it a putative father, divorced father, or married father. To us, the Governor has shown that she has no value in Fathers and we suspect her Family Courts follow her lead.
  • Every Woman in a paternal family. It is hard to imagine that Women in Dusten and Veronica’s life are not experiencing the same level of anxiety, despair, and pain that they are experiencing and we are proud to see many Women standing up for Veronica and Dusten.
  • Every single member of the Cherokee Nation.
  • Oklahoma Mothers with Sons who may one day see their grandchildren go through a unethical adoption.
  • Every US. Armed Forces service member who either will become a father one day, or is currently a father.
  • Every Oklahoma citizen who advocates for biological parents rights.

In a State with roughly 3,814,820 citizens it is hard to imagine that well over 50% of the State does not belong or is related to someone in the groups above and we believe everyone above should join in supporting the Standing Our Ground For Veronica Brown movement. Additionally, we also believe that Governor Fallin (And potentially Republicans as a whole) should lose any future respect and political support.

It is important in viewing the video below to realize what is going on here. In Oklahoma, there is a law that says Dusten Brown (A BIOLOGICAL FATHER) does not have to be told he is a Father of a child or that an adoption is taking place and will face extradition to another State to answer to felony charges at the hands of adoptive parents if he refuses to hand over a child Oklahoma makes impossible for him to legitimate despite gearing up for deployment to Iraq. And this is America Governor Fallin?

We Believe Governor Mary Fallin And State Republicans Are Pandering To The Enormous Adoption Industry And Using The Baby Veronica Case As Precedent

While the baby Veronica Brown and Dusten Brown saga has gained national attention leading many to believe that this case is unique, the fact is there are hundreds of thousands of other biological fathers in the State of Oklahoma who have experienced this exact same scenario based on Okla. Stat. tit. 10, § 7501-1.2 and the adoption industry loves it. And, there is little doubt that the very powerful adoption lobby in Oklahoma does not have the ear of Governor Fallin.

Furthermore, when most Oklahoma citizens think of adoption, they probably see it as a system that is giving children a chance at better home, or a home at all. Unfortunately, the baby Veronica case has now smeared that thinking as  many people across the country can easily imagine adoption agencies sitting before birth mothers with a smile on their face excoriating a birth father so that an adoption can take place, so that a lawyer who handles the adoption can get richer, so that an adoption agency can market themselves, and so that an enormous group of lobbyist can feel safe in claiming that all putative Fathers (Your sons, brothers, and friends) are horrible people who deserve to have their children adopted out even if they weren’t allowed to know they had a child in the first place.

Let there be NO mistake about it, the adoption agencies love the fact that 46% of Oklahoma newborns have no legal Fathers which helps an industry flourish. And JUST on these grounds alone, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin needs to feel enormous political heat on this because she knows it is happening every single day.

Furthermore, we think few in Oklahoma and South Carolina realize the fact that the adoptive parents in the baby Veronica matter are actually being setup for failure.

If Dusten Brown loses Veronica, it is hard to imagine that at 12:01 on her 18th birthday, when no Governor, No Judge, and certainly the adoption parents can stop Dusten from walking back into Veronica’s life and showing her what transpired 14 years ago, we suspect that Veronica will then have very serious contempt for the people she thought had her best interest at hand. They can move her out of the country, change her name, or whatever, but there has been to much publicity in this case for this child not to learn about it at the age of 18.

Immediate Activism Needed Against Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin As It Relates To The Baby Veronica Brown Matter

  • In an effort to put Governor Mary Fallin’s name at the top of all global search engine results, please FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS HERE.
  • Tweet this article to Governor Fallin and Oklahoma State Republicans. @GovMaryFallin and @officialOKGOP
  • Input this article into comments and a message to the Facebook page of Governor Fallin and the Facebook page of the Oklahoma State Republican Party.
  • Share this article extensively and routinely on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other related social networking sites.
  • Leave extensive comments on this article using the comment system below.
  • Do not forget this case. It will be very easy to forget this case in future elections for many people. We ask that you continue to follow this matter regardless of what happens and to hold Governor Mary Fallin and Oklahoma Republicans accountable in ALL future elections unless they resolve this successfully for Dusten and Veronica Brown.

We think it is important to state again that the numbers of voters in Oklahoma this case is hurting, or has the potential to hurt is enormous. This case is a direct slap in the face of Fathers and Women in their families who love their grandchildren, nieces and nephews, step-children, and step-siblings. This case is a slap to the Cherokee Nation. This case is a slap in the face of Men in our Armed Forces, and it is a slap in the face of biological parents rights.

The adoptive parents in this matter have the option to adopt another child regardless of how painful it may be to them. Dusten Brown will never have the opportunity to have another Veronica Brown, and Veronica Brown will never have another biological Father.

Please stop unethical adoptions in Oklahoma, and by all means pull every ounce of voter and political support away from Governor Mary Fallin and State Republicans who support her if this matter is not resolved correctly.

September 7, 2013 Posted by | Uncategorized | 38 Comments

Amanda Marcotte: How She And Feminism Are Hurting Mothers

Amanda MarcotteEvery time I read an article Amanda Marcotte writes on Feminism and Women, I have two thoughts. First, I appreciate her theories and articles because it helps to strengthen and embolden the hundreds of millions of Fathers and Women in paternal families who are finally standing up to the feminist controlled family courts and having a huge influence on politics as it relates to family law. Second, I have remorse for non-custodial Mothers who are probably unable to see that angry militant Women like Amanda Marcotte and their feminist hatred of Men is the driving force behind Men and paternal related females pushing so hard against Legislators and Judges who now have to consider the shear numbers of Men, their families, and their votes. Simply put, feminist like Amanda Marcotte are responsible for the steady increase in non-custodial Mothers because every time she writes an article LIKE THIS, it unites the Fathers Rights and Shared Parenting advocates.

Update: We though this was the perfect place to share this bit of information. It seems Melissa Etheridge and her spouse (female) are involved in a custody battle where both have not such nice things to say about each other, and much of it is allegations that each are abusive. Oh I so can’t wait until Gay Marriage is legal in all 50 states so that custody battles and domestic violence in these groups become more spotlighted. Women like Amanda Marcotte are going to have a hard time explaining the framework she has layed down when it starts happening in her own backyard.

Amanda Marcotte hates MenHere is the problem with the family courts, they do not care who the custodial parent is, or who the non-custodial parent is as long as there is a massive division that keeps parents fighting and making lawyers rich, as well as keeping the Title IV-D system pumping and maintaining Welfare. Ten years ago, it was easy to push Fathers to the outer limits of their kid’s lives because there was no serious Fathers Rights or Shared Parenting movement and Politicians/Judges did not have to worry about a backlash. But, there was a well funded and united feminist lobby that demanded Judges and Politicians maintain a Mother centered court. In 2013, Legislators and Judges have to contend with a very fast rising wave of very angry Fathers and Women in their families who have had enough, and Judges are now trying to keep both sides from eating them at election time. Thus, you are starting to see more Mothers become non-custodial as Judges try to shed their widespread bias within the courts and desperate attempts by angry feminist like Amanda Marcotte to save them by perpetuating the idea that all Men are natural child abusers, pedophiles, and domestic batterers while Women are always naturally protective Mothers.

Now, you have to keep in mind that Amanda Marcotte makes a living from Feminism and Women hating Men. On every one of her blogs, there is either a Donate button, advertising, or affiliate links that she drives money from when thousands of people visits her blogs. Many times, we have to wonder if her hate speech is just designed to send people clamoring to her sites to see what she has to say in the hopes they line her pockets with advertising money. Unfortunately, if this is the case, she needs to remember that Legislators and Judges are watching and realizing that her speeches are pushing more and more Men and Women into the political arena of family law and decrying the systematic bias we have experienced for a century. As a result, Judges are now forced to equalize the courts and you now see more non-custodial Mothers which is unfortunate because we believe that children are best served by having two parents and extended families, and gain in no way from hateful ideological feminist who have agendas.

Amanda Marcotte lies

Amanda Marcotte And The Silver Bullet Of Domestic Violence and Pedophilia

We believe that radical feminist like Amanda Marcotte realize that the family courts are quickly seeing that there is a massive eruption of Fathers Rights and Shared Parenting advocates hitting Legislators and Judges hard and they are desperately searching for a silver bullet that will cause Women to rise up in defiance of it. That silver bullet is either Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, or Pedophilia. In just about every speech you hear Amanda Marcotte and radical feminist give these days, it is filled with consistent rhetoric that Men are by nature domestic batterers, pedophiles, or child abusers while Women are always protective. Unfortunately for Ms. Marcotte, prior to the Internet age it was easy to perpetuate this misinformation, but it is not so easy in the digital information age as these series of pages clearly points out. Every time feminist attempts to exploit Domestic Violence by making it all Men’s fault, this site along with many others are going to continue to provide video and news reports that prove otherwise.

And, there are feminist who are starting to get educated on this unfortunate rhetoric that feminism continues to try and perpetuate.

Amanda Marcotte also needs to hear from the hundreds of millions of Mothers in this country who are sick of seeing a society that screams about absent Fathers push them aside when they attempt to not be absent. These Mothers also need to stand up to feminism and let them know that it is not always Men who are committing violence and abuse because you are seeing real world examples every day unlike Ms. Marcotte who lives in a agenda filled vacuum that helps her make a living by spinning ideas that her handlers want her recite.

Don’t believe me? Google her name and see what she has to say about your sons, brothers, husbands and fathers. After doing so, we recommend you either join your State’s Shared Parenting or Fathers Rights group because if you don’t, your Son’s and your life with your children are at serious risk with people like Amanda Marcotte in the world spinning an agenda that has gone from the once noble human equality movement to one of dominance and hate.

Non-Custodial Mothers, Amanda Marcotte, and Feminism

Non-Custodial Mothers have a serious dilemma. They have the choice to become angry militant man hating feminist like Amanda  Marcotte wants them to, or become angry at a system that simply refuses to create equal parents so that there are no more non-custodial parents. If these Mothers choose to take the first road, then you are doing nothing but settling for a life of anger, turmoil, and angst while you work to maintain a system that will only serve to harm your sons when they become Fathers, and yourself as a paternal grandmother later in life.

Women and Mothers in Family Law

If non-custodial Mothers choose the second road, then they can hope for a day when no Mother, Father, or Grandparent every has to spend a day alienated from their children so that a system of lawyers, politicians, and yes bloggers and professional feminist like Ms. Marcotte can make money and push agendas.

Amanda Marcotte does have some history in North Carolina. During the Duke Lacross Rape Matter, even after it was discovered that Crystal Mangum was lying about the entire incident and came out that she had made the entire thing up much to the amazement of the many feminist who were supporting her, Ms. Marcotte continued her stance that everyone who has defended the Duke Players are rape apologist. Keep in mind now that this is AFTER the truth came out. She is also quoted as saying:

“I’ve been sort of casually listening to CNN blaring throughout the waiting area and good fucking god is that channel pure evil. For awhile, I had to listen to how the poor dear lacrosse players at Duke are being persecuted just because they held someone down and fucked her against her will—not rape, of course, because the charges have been thrown out. Can’t a few white boys sexually assault a black woman anymore without people getting all wound up about it? So unfair.”

Again, this after the world learned that the rape allegations were made up, but this gives us a glimpse into Ms. Marcotte’s reality. She wants SO bad for Men to be bad so that Women can win, she will publicly admonish Men even when they are found to be good. And ladies, these are your sons we are talking about.

If non-custodial Mothers want to buy into the idea that all Men are natural abusers so that it helps lessen your pain and helps you unite around a support system, that is fine. But in doing so, you may as well look your son’s in the eye and tell him that just before you throw him under a bus. Remember, Amanda Marcotte does not have a Son or Man in her life, she can spin the wheels of hatred all day long hoping you buy into it and perpetuate feminist governance and hatred. She will never have to experience her Son hating her when he becomes a  Man, but you will.

September 2, 2013 Posted by | Uncategorized | 10 Comments

American Mothers Political Party: Abusing Their Own Sons?

American Mothers Political PartyThe American Mothers Political Party (AMPP) is a group of Women who have banned together over what they see as biased and dangerous court for Women and Children and who are having “hissy fits” over the fact that more and more courts are moving towards equally shared parenting and that some Fathers are getting custody of their children. What prompted this article is when a Mother came to our Facebook page today and asked for advise on what she should do about her situation which involved a New Jersey Judge giving the Father full custody and him moving to North Carolina. As a group adamantly for equally shared parenting (unlike American Mothers Political Party) we decided to offer her some words of advise because we do not believe any parent should be without his/her children and the courts should do everything to maximize children’s access to both parents. And, they most certainly should not be allowing the custodial parent to be moving children many States away from the non-custodial parent and family. After giving her our statement, I decided to check this Mothers Facebook page and found this gem:

Now I get the anger, but calling ALL custodial Fathers Woman and Child abusers along with abductors gave me a lot of insight to the groups purpose which appears to be advocating that all Mothers should never lose custody of their children, that sharing parenting with Fathers is unacceptable, and that all Men are bad. I actually believe that non-custodial parenthood is harder on Mothers than it is Fathers because society expects Mothers to have custody of their children and if they don’t, then they must be child abusers. In the same vein, when a Father is non-custodial, society accepts that this is just the way it is and he is a fit Father. So yes, I get why the ladies at the American Mothers Political Party (AMPP) are angry.

But here is a little bit of information that these Mothers will likely fail to see, they have brought every bit of this issue on their heads themselves after a century of having children with Men, then promptly taking control of the children via an arrogant entitlement theory, calling him a sexual and domestic abuser, and seeking to do exactly what these Women are so angry about. The pathology associated with being tormented by being a non-custodial Mother and alienated from her children, but then working to create a court system that advocates the kid’s Fathers to experience it 100% of the time is exactly what the new era courts are starting to smack the hands of Mothers.

It is unfortunate to think that these angry militant Women have come together for their own demise, but there is another layer to story that is almost hard to fathom. If you look at the American Mothers Political Party (AMPP) website, you will see a lot of very radical images and thoughts against hating Men as if these Men were the ones that made them non-custodial. I hate to inform these Mothers, but the Father was just doing exactly what you were doing in playing the family court game and just happened to win. In fact, the Judge made you non-custodial. Perhaps, just perhaps, new era Judges with male sons are put of by the entitlement theory many Mothers are bringing to the courts, but we are going to get to that in a minute.

Let’s take a look at some images I have compiled from the AMPP Facebook site which basically leaves one with the idea that all Men are Domestic Violence offenders, sexual sadist, child abusers, and Women are always upstanding naturally protective Mothers without an ounce of problems:

Domestic Violence

What the American Mothers Political Party forgot to mention is that there were Women there readily willing to spread their legs and let him Father these children most likely so they could get social services benefits. Unless AMPP wants to reveal some way that Men are telepathically impregnating Women preventing them from having abortions, then they are going to have to face the music on this fact.

Angry Mothers Party

Why is this on AMPP’s site if their group is about court reform such that Women never lose custody? Or, is it possible that these Women are nothing more than a hate group attempting to denigrate all Men? It appears what they are trying to accomplish is creating a group of very angry Women who hate Men and then want to walk into a courtroom where Male Judges and Women Judges with Sons are and stomp their feet like little girls and demand their children. Furthermore, a news flash for The American Mothers Political Party, your enemy is not men, this is the organization that is going to bring national shared parenting to fruition and is a group growing at about four times the rate you are.

Now, we are not attempting to denigrate Women or non-custodial Mothers, but this group of angry Women need a dose of reality and we are going to provide two videos that show Mother perpetuated violence and death on their children. Sure, we know they will conjure up some reasoning for it like patriarchal  martians from another planet making these Mothers do this and that’s fine, we all need a good laugh. But HERE, WE ARE GOING TO provide a live blog of Women and Mother perpetuated abuse on kids just to help AMPP feel some reality.

American Mothers Political Party and Their Sons

Men are bad, they are ALL domestic wife and child beaters, sexual molesters, and should NEVER have custody of their children much less shared parenting. This while they rock and nurse their male children who likely will one day become Fathers.

Let that sink in for a moment.

These Women are advocating for a system that is going to eat their male children if they have their way, and are also advocating that they as future paternal grandmothers be alienated from their children. Again, the pathology is hard to miss.

Is AMPP going to train their male children to have babies and then accept their own marginalization? Are these Mothers going to stand beside future AMPP members who cast a shadow of doubt on their own sons as domestic batterers and molesters so they can wine sole custody? Are members of the American Mothers Political Party going to shun their own paternal grandchildren if the Father gets visitation?

So yea, why isn’t AMPP working to end all violence on children instead of just calling out Fathers? In our group, we have gone to bat for many non-custodial mothers and advocate for even handed Domestic Violence laws that attempt to end all violence. This is why organizations like ours is making headway and groups like the American Mothers Political Party will fail.

Stay militant ladies, and just remember that those female Judges you bring your entitlement theories before likely have sons with children and that should give you some idea why more and more of you are finding yourself in unfamiliar roles.

How We Can Fight Groups Like The American Mothers Political Party

As we have stated time and time again, each time a Father is made non-custodial, there are at least two Women in the paternal family who get equally hurt. These Women include Step-Mothers and paternal Grandmothers. It is imperative that these Women start standing up to Women that exist in groups like the one this article is about.

And for you non-custodial mothers in our group that understand this fight is not a Mother versus Father fight and one most certainly about parents versus the government I want to thank you for not buying into this groups angry, hostile, and militant message that will surely do nothing more than provide a toxic environment in their and their kids lives.

Our message to American Mothers Political Party is that you should spend less time on the Internet being angry Women and finding a way to appeal to Judges as parents who have their kids best interest at heart – one that most surely involves a child(ren) having equal access to both parents and extended families.

August 26, 2013 Posted by | Uncategorized | 19 Comments

Military Child Custody And Child Support Enforcement Battles

NC military child custody, mediation, and child supportNC Fathers is currently seeking information on NC military child custody and child support enforcement issues experienced by those serving at Camp Lejeune, Cherry Point, Fort Bragg, Pope Air Force Base, and other military installations throughout the State. As an organization of non-custodial families, including everyone in the extended family, we believe the time has come for the courts to focus on less division and the practice of dividing parents into significantly unequal halves which we believe is causing extreme chaos in families and for children. If you are a NC military service member, be it Marine Corp, Navy, Army, Coast Guard, or Air Force we encourage you to join our MAILING LIST and FACEBOOK PAGE to give us your knowledge and insights as our organization focuses primarily on the civilian family courts. We acknowledge that there are significant challenges experienced by NC military personnel when it comes to child custody and child support enforcement issues that are not a factor in the civilian world, so we need your insights. Using the comment section located at the end of this article, we encourage non-custodial families to convey this information to us so that other families in non-custodial military families can learn about your experiences and hopefully unite around a central organization who can take you from occasional visitor to your children to that of equal parent. It should be noted that NC Fathers IS NOT a law firm and nothing about this article should be taken as legal advise. If you are in the military and facing a child custody battle or child support enforcement issue, you are advised NOT to rely on information in this article and seek competent legal advise from a licensed attorney. Moreover, we encourage you to share this article with other friends and family on sites like Facebook, Google+, and Twitter. Continue reading

August 12, 2013 Posted by | Uncategorized | 7 Comments

Gregory Currie And Verizon: Thoughts On Domestic Violence

Gregory Currie And Verizon Support ViolenceGregory Currie is a Verizon employee who also sits on the Board of Directors at the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence and someone familiar with how this organization is run. First, we want to thank Mr. Currie for standing up for victims of Domestic Violence in the first place as a Man, but we have to call him and Verizon out for not being committed to ending all violence. In addition, we are going to ask Greg Currie why Verizon pulled a public service announcement, no actually we are going to ask why it was even made in the first place but we will get to that shortly, that clearly shows Verizon’s attempt at only focusing on one aspect of Domestic Violence while also stigmatizing young underage boys which presumably fits in with the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence attempts to blame patriarchy and gender oppression for violence instead of the more mainstream reasons that perpetuate violence for all Humans. The main question we have for Gregory Currie is, did Verizon make the mistake of partnering with the NCCADV as a PR move and not do their homework on efforts to end all violence, or was this also a PR attempt to appeal to Women?

there is no excuse for domestic violence

In the video below, notice how the little girl speaks for girls, but not boys. Notice how Verizon makes sure they mention Dads as though they are Monsters, and attempts to stigmatize little boys as future Domestic Violence batterers which presumably the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence needs in the future for fund raising efforts or as statistics they can send to Congress to make sure that NC gets their fair share of the $550,000 VAWA pie they hand out yearly. Below this awful video, we will provide more commentary.

Domestic Violence Worker Arrested For Domestic Violence

Coalition at University Campus

We, along with national Domestic Violence organizations who have the goal of ending ALL violence, find it particularly disturbing that Verizon (and presumably Gregory Currie) would attempt to have the public believe that only Fathers are Monsters and batterers, and that Domestic Violence does not happen between lesbian and gay couples or perpetuated by Women. The Board of Directors at the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence can bury their head in the sand on unilateral violence if they want to and play gender and sexual politics, but this organization is committed on calling them out using video and news reports of such.

Please be sure to view our articles on Judy Chaet, as well as the ones HERE, and HERE to make this point.

Our message to Gregory Currie is that there is an awful lot of violence going on in the articles we just pointed our 2,000 daily readers to, are you sure Verizon does not want to correct itself on Domestic Violence and help the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence understand that playing politics and games on this issue is bad and seems geared towards just ending certain gender perpetuated violence?

Do I need to continue this article Gregory like I did with the others in your organization showing where Women hit little girls and boys? Do I need to start showing this video to the HUGE numbers of non-custodial Fathers and Women in paternal families who experience false allegations of Domestic Violence in NC?

Another question we have for Gregory Currie and Verizon is why is the NCCADV not doing anything about false allegations used in family court as a tactical advantage in custody matters? Don’t these allegations cast a shadow of doubt on all allegations of violence as more and more Women in paternal families witness them?

Gregory, are you a Father? Do you know how easy it is for an allegation of Domestic Violence to be used against Men (and will be used against little boys in the future) and he be found guilty based on no evidence or witnesses to alleged violence? Gregory, do you know which NC coalition made sure these laws exists in the State?

Why is preponderance of the evidence used instead of clear and convincing evidence in the courts Mr. Currie? Is it used to inflate the statistics on violence so that Congress will feel compelled to send more money to the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence?

Can Gregory Currie and Verizon explain why the definition of Domestic Violence was lowered in VAWA such that almost any disagreement between a Man and Woman can be considered as violence? Here is a quote contained in a publicly available handout by the NC Bar Association which clearly shows this problem “Domestic violence is attempting to cause or intentionally causing bodily injury or placing the victim in fear of imminent serious bodily injury.”

So Gregory, imagine that you and your wife or girlfriend have an argument and she has decided to leave the relationship and wants to win a custody battle. At this point you are just arguing, and she picks up the phone as calls 911 to report you on the fear that you are about to harm her. Any idea who is going to jail for arguing Mr. Currie? Oh your not worried because there is no evidence? Dis you read our article on preponderance of the evidence Gregory?

Millions of Men and Women in NC paternal families are looking at you Gregory. And, if we have any say so in the matter, we will be asking them to look at Verizon as well when they enter our organization. Any idea how many non-custodial families there are in NC Mr. Currie?

Where does Verizon stand on these two videos below? They were all to quick to put out a PSA on Domestic Violence portraying a Dad beating his daughter and wife while implying that he is training his son to be an eventual offender. Yet, they completely overlook the thousands of videos on Youtube showing this.

and in this video the female KNOWS to say “ah I can call the police and say you kicked me in my stomach” and use her unborn child to inflame the false allegation, right before she assaults two people. This is what Verizon is teaching your sons to endure because ONLY men commit violence.

We wonder if Gregory Currie has ever made a decision in his family, and if so, we welcome him to the patriarchy club. Yep, it’s just that easy for the NCCADV.

where is her lawyerShame on Gregory Currie and Verizon, shame on you for only standing up for women and children who have experienced domestic violence and death, shame on you for not advocating for this child, her torture, her need for survival. In all the presentations you give, I want you to remember this child and for anyone who gasps at this article and shakes their head, you remember you are part of the problem because you are doing a great job of only ending half the problem of violence and abuse.

August 10, 2013 Posted by | Uncategorized | 8 Comments

Judy Chaet, Operations Director, Turns Her Back On NC Violence?

Judy Chaet, Operations Director at the NC Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceJudy Chaet is the operations director of the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence who is charged with administering lobby efforts within the State of NC. This article is going to call out Judy Chaet on the NCCADV’s gender discrimination and use of gender and sexual politics to misinform the public about Domestic Violence in the State of North Carolina. I also want to make it very clear to Women in paternal families that this organization is directly involved in lobby efforts to quash any talks of equally shared parenting in the State of NC on the grounds that your sons, brothers, husbands, and fathers are likely and probable domestic violence offenders who would kill his ex-spouse and children if he had more time with them. Of course, we are going to ask Judy Chaet if this is true, why isn’t there a massive murder spree every other weekend when Men get their children, and ask her to explain the psychology that says Men will only kill their children and ex-wife if they have their children 5+ days a month but won’t less than 4 days a month. Our belief is that attacking Domestic Violence globally requires every breathing person on this planet to stand up to do so and we are sorry to see the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Judy Chaet devolve to gender and sexual politics in order to more funding. In short, this organization gives us the impression that they are not at all concerned about Domestic Violence, but rather radical feminist theories covered up by this issue and we are asking Women concerned that their sons will be caught up in a zero evidenced based false allegation one day and be found guilty on the bad laws this organization promotes, and most certainly Women in paternal families.


The video below makes ALL the points we could possibly make in this article. This video shows three things, that Women have learned that by making false allegations of male on female violence she can win any argument, or get anything she needs. Notice how right before she threatens to call 911 she says “you just kicked me in the stomach”, WHILE the other female in the room supports it. Then, she used her unborn child to further inflame the issue, THEN commits violence twice. This is what Judy Chaet and the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence are teaching young women. This is happening to your sons daily. This is patriarchy? What IS likely in this situation is that every male in this house would have been arrested, while the females aren’t had the police been called.  And, here is ANOTHER PERFECT example. Boys have been stigmatized as always the batterer, girls and women know this and feel empowered that they will not face consequences.

there is no excuse for domestic violence

Why are we writing this article? On The NCCADV website, they list the reasons for Domestic Violence in NC as patriarchy and gender oppression which is clearly aimed just at Men leading us to believe that this organization is more about politics than violence. Nowhere do they mention alcohol and substance abuse, mental and emotional abuse, poverty, loss of employment, or other stressors that unfortunately leads to  humans lashing out in violence when there is no support system in place to help them cope. Additionally, this organization offers no help for the domestic batterer leading us to believe they are here to simply profit from violence instead of preventing it in the first place. Why is that? We think it has a lot to do with the $550,000 million dollars a year organizations like this receive from the government to end violence and professional lobbyist need their money!

Domestic Violence Worker Arrested For Domestic Violence

And, this article is not condemning feminism who advocate equality for everyone. This article is condemning radical feminism and their hatred of you, your sons, brothers, fathers, and husbands. Whenever we see the words “patriarchy”, which is a buzzword seen often in radical feminist circles, it is a clue that what will spill from their organization is that Men are guilty for everything wrong in the world.

Coalition at University Campus

To make our point obvious, why is Judy Chaet and their Board of Directors not joining other mainstream Domestic Violence organizations in calling for KFC to remove this video?

After gender neutral domestic violence groups petitioned KFC to remove the video clearly showing that we accept and capitalize on female on male violence, they pulled the video.

Why is Judy Chaet, others at the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and their Board Of Directors not calling out the Salisbury Post for leaving this image up on the public Internet where four Women encourage and make light of female on male Domestic Violence? What would she tell Travis Alexander’s family in regards to female on male violence not being deadly?

Can you imagine what the response would be if a man posted this on Facebook? Yet, it’s OK that women can joke about domestic violence? Is this what NCCADV is advocating for here in the State? That violence and jokes about it is OK as long as it isn’t towards women only?



Judy Chaet condones violence in NC

Of course Judy will simply pull out her scripted radical feminist scripted statement outlining how Women are FAR more the victims of Domestic Violence than Men and that any acts of violence on Men is rare. We will address that below in the numerous amounts of data on the Internet showing female on male violence. But to address her statement, we don’t disagree, but that still does not mitigate that your organization is turning it’s back on Domestic Violence.

Here are our thoughts on Judy’s assumed logic, the latest statistics put out by the government shows that Women text and drive at far greater numbers than Male drivers. In this scenario, would Judy Chaet call for a media blitz on just female drivers or sponsor legislation that called for female drivers to go through counseling? Or, would she focus on texting and driving by everyone in hopes of ending this issue all together?

Domestic Violence experts warn that violence does not always come in the form of hitting, as it can also entail psychological and emotional power often characterized as things only Men can do. But with that said, how does the NCCADV explain these four Women?

How does Judy explain this Woman?

Or this Woman?

How does the NCCADV Operations Director explain this one?

Even the Huffington Post (shocking I know) is finding female abusers.

Posts related to Judy Chaet and the NC Coalition Of Domestic Violence showing real world examples of female on female/child violence that the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence hides on their website – Beth Froehling, Nancy Emslie, Gregory Currie.

At the end of the day, we suspect that Judy Chaet will sit in her glass house and stand by her feminist logic and will have nothing to do with female on male violence because it does not fit the narrative and mission of this organization which is fine. But this organization is going to continue to provide real world examples each day of data showing that Women are perpetrators of Domestic Violence on Men and their Children, as well as asking NC legislators to explain why the NCCADV continues to get Federal and State money to promote violence.

Another issue that continues to concern us and lead us to the conclusion that the NCCADV actually benefits from violence is that we see non programs that actually address ending violence except for victims. It seems to use Judy Chaet thinks that transferring assets from Men to Women, putting them in jail, stigmatizing them, and causing loss of employment somehow stops the cycle of violence. Is it possible that the reason this organization is not  providing or bringing to light problems that address this issue is because they don’t want it to stop so they can continue to get Congressional money to fund their political organizations by exploiting pictures of Women who have been beaten in the media?

Judy Chaet, NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Does This Look Like Violence To You?

We suspect Judy Chaet will be all too happy to put a video up of a Woman yelling “please stop, please stop, please stop” as a Man is beating her, but is mute on this?

Judy, the misconception that Women can’t do just as much damage to Men when acting violently still hold true?

Naturally protective Mother…

There is no mention or data on the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence website about female on female violence, leading the untrained reader to think only Men commit Violence. Is this by design Judy?

We wonder if Judy Chaet condones Women beating their husbands just hours after marriage?

Judy, even the national media is picking up on Female on Male Domestic Violence and Murder, why isn’t the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence? Because it isn’t newsworthy, because Men deserve it, because it does not drive funding?

Can Judy Chaet and the NC Coaltion Against Domestic Violence explain why ABC News is picking up on the disparity in Male on Female violence and Female on Male Violence, and did so many years ago?

Woman hits her child with a bat to prove to her husband she in untouchable. Which brings up a good point, has all the media attention Domestic Violence Women’s group flood the media and Internet with as it relates to just Male on Woman violence in an effort to control the narrative just let to Women feeling like they cannot be perpetrators of violence and that the Man will always be arrested?

Yes Judy Chaet, even Pia Zadora gets arrested for domestic battering on her Son.

Uh oh, the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence operations director has a problem, even the Mayo Clinic now has facts.

Quoting this pioneer: “Crick is internationally known for her innovative research on relational forms of aggression. Relational aggression, defined as behaviors that harm others via damage to relationships, includes acts such as using social exclusion or spreading malicious rumors. Evidence indicates that girls are more likely to engage in relational forms of aggression than the physical forms of aggression that have previously captured the majority of empirical attention.”

Judy Chaet, And More Female Perpetuated Domestic Violence Revealed. Where Is The Coalition On This?

Judge calls Woman a “manipulative narcissist who convinced her own father to murder her ex-husband.”

And it continues today, the NCCADV operations director needs to explain this to NC supporters. How easy is it to make an allegation resulting in a felony stop and have gun pointed to your head if you are a Man and the one making the allegation is a Woman? Well just ask this Eden, NC guy.

Judy, I thought Women didn’t put guns to the head of their children in North Carolina?

Another day of Women committing sexual abuse of underage boys in the classroom. Sex crimes, 5 boys, Woman teacher. Where is the gender oppression and patriarchy Judy?

If I could sit down with Judy Chaet and the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence and tell them ONE thing, it would be that WOMEN in paternal families Are seeing Women (ex of their Sons) being violent and using false allegations of violence and they should be careful in making this all Men’s fault. Here is a perfect example, Mother of a male child has to call the police because a female teacher is having inappropriate sexual relations with her son. And this from one of the Internets most pro-Woman websites.

Surely Judy Chaet remembers Crystal Mangum?

Mets pitcher Kris Benson heard begging 911 operator for help after estranged wife breaks into his home dressed all in black, wearing a bulletproof vest and brandishing a gun. The Woman was booked into the county jail on assault charges. Judy, want to guess what the charge would be if Mrs. Benson was Mr. Benson?

An 80 year old Woman KILLS husband with a baseball bat in 2013. Judy, so I guess the fact that Men always do more damage when they commit violence is not true after all? You want to tell the WOMEN in Travis Alexander’s family that?

Murder for hire!

Again, the NCCADV has a problem parading JUST Women across the media with bruises telling legislators that only patriarchy and gender oppression is the cause of Domestic Violence. Shame on you Judy.

Woman attempts to kill her husband.

Will Judy Chaet and the NCCADV accept the fact that Women try to have their husbands killed for life insurance? Doubtful, because it does not fit in with the feminist narrative or help in their fundraising.

Visit Yes She Does to see female perpetrated domestic violence in all U.S. States.

How in the world this organization is getting Federal and State money to publicly disseminate misinformation aimed at stigmatizing Men and Young Boys is beyond me and we are encouraging readers to share this article with NC Legislators today and ask them why. Once you do, use the comment section below to let us know which legislator you contacted and if he / she contacted you back because we will be HAPPY to call them out on this as well.

And, we hope you will share this article on Judy Chaet with friends and family on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter who have an interest in ending ALL violence in North Carolina.


August 10, 2013 Posted by | Uncategorized | 5 Comments

Nancy Emslie – Director of Finance and Administration At NCCADV

Nancy Emslie at the NC Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceNancy Emslie is the Director of Finance and Administration at the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCCADV), and the intention of this article is to ask her some questions hoping that she will be able to resolve some concerns that we have. Actually, you can read more about our concerns HERE, but this article will be a continuation of the topics in the other article to make a point. If you do not have time to read the other article, simply put, our concern is that Nancy Emslie and others at the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence are running a gender and sexual politics organization aimed at hurting young boys and Men rather than ending ALL Domestic Violence. And, we have some real concerns that this organization continues to get Federal and State dollars to do that. We make this claim on the grounds that the NCCADV blames patriarchy and gender oppression as the chief causes of Domestic Violence in NC, has tremendous amounts of data helping Women, Lesbians, and Women from other cultures, but very little data about Male on Male Domestic Violence and certainly none about Female on Female Domestic Violence even though national statistics show that Women commit Domestic Violence about 8 percentage points below Men. Now I know what the casual reader is going to say that we are way off base in writing a article to Nancy Emslie and the NCCADV because Women suffer more Domestic Violence, which is true. But is the answer to that simply to overlook all other forms of Domestic Violence and play gender politics and a blame game? Or, should we put gender and sexual politics aside and ALL work together to end all violence? But again, that point is made very clear along with many other concerns we have for the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Nancy Emslie in our previously linked blog. Continue reading

August 8, 2013 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Judge William “Bill” Heafner – Randolph, Montgomery and Moore County Courts

Judge William “Bill” Heafner is a NC District Court Judge in Randolph, Montgomery, and Moore Counties of NC who routinely hears family law and child support enforcement cases. Prior to becoming a District Court Judge in the counties he serves in, Judge Heafner was a practicing family law attorney. In this article, we are going to ask the Judge some questions that we suspect he knows the answers to, but this article is mainly for Randolph, Montgomery, and Moore County non-custodial parents, step-parents, grandparents, and other members of the family to educate themselves on and help us build a very large organization of non-custodial families across NC who have had enough of being marginalized to the role of visitor family four days a month and big government payment provider over being a empowered equal parent and family. Should Judge William “Bill” Heafner decide that he wants to answer the questions we pose in this article, he is welcome to do so using the comment section located at the end of this article or by contacting us on our FACEBOOK PAGE. Additionally, non-custodial families in Randolph, Montgomery, and Moore County NC non-custodial families and voters are encourage to make contact with us and give us their experiences of Judge Heafner, as well as joining our MAILING LIST to get updates about what our organization is doing in the legislature to end the extremely divisive and dangerous family courts in NC. Continue reading

August 3, 2013 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | 2 Comments

Assemblyman Michael Montesano Of The New York Assembly – Vote NO!

Assemblyman Michael MontesanoAssemblyman Michael Montesano of the New York Assembly represents the 15th district of which tens of thousands of non-custodial parents, grandparents, step-parents, and other family members live and vote from. Additionally, Assemblyman Montesano also supports the creation of a New York most wanted deadbeat parents list and website and in this article we are going to explain why this is a bad idea, and why tens of thousands of non-custodial FAMILIES in the Assemblyman’s district should turn their backs on him in future elections even if you are a member of his political party. At first thought, rounding up criminalizing parents may seem like a good idea to the New York Assembly, but we are about to show you why it actually does not work and actually creates far greater problems for voters in your community. If you are a New York non-custodial FAMILY member, it is important that you join and help support FaFNY which is an organization trying to bring comprehensive and common sense family law reform in your State.

Our organization wants to remind non-custodial families, even if you made the choice to be non-custodial, that this issue very much affects you it is further important to realize that non-custodial families make up an enormous amount of voters in New York and the courts are creating more and more of you daily. If you desire to be an equal parent, grandparent, step-parent, or other family member, what Assemblyman Michael Montesano is proposing will make it much more difficult for you to be active in your kid’s lives. By not supporting FaFNY, you have nobody to be blame for your situation.

Before we outline why Assemblyman Michael Montesano and other members of the New York Assembly are making a bad decision in advocating for a New York statewide deadbeat parent most wanted list, we want to educate you on one of the biggest reasons politicians in New York have developed an incredibly polar family courts and why they actually need you far removed from your kids lives in order to receive Federal dollars for State Welfare programs.

Pursuant to the Social Security Act, Title IV, Part D, Section 458, each dollar that the State of New York collects in child support, they get back an equal match of money from this federal legislation that they can use to replenish social services programs. This means that for the non-custodial parent who pays $500 a month in child support, the State of New York gets $500 in federal money to pay for food stamps, WIC, Medicaid, TANF, and other programs. Given that these use of these programs are growing at a blinding pace, State politicians are at a loss on how to pay for it all. This is where YOU as a non-custodial family comes in. The more child support you pay, and through your inability to be an equal parent, or to have regular visitation, you are making Assemblyman Michael Montesano’s job easier in finding money to pay for these resources.

And who is it that gets the majority of these programs? It’s the custodial parent of your minor child who is able to escape prison, being on a most wanted list, and losing her kids because the State of New York is all too willing to monetize her children through providing daycare assistance, food assistance, job assistance, housing assistance, educational assistance, medical and dental assistance, and tax incentives. But the State and this custodial parent are quick to have you, your husband, your brother, or your son in prison for economic hardships?

In short, the reason why millions of New York non-custodial families are not able to get equal parentage of their children, grandchildren, step-children, and nieces and nephews is because of politicians like Assemblyman Michael Montesano and other members of the New York Assembly who have found a way to keep state programs running off your marginalization.

Republican Assemblyman Michael Montesano And New York Voters

Assemblyman Michael Montesano And The New York Assembly Must Not Support A Deadbeat Most Wanted List

Here is the argument Assemblyman Montesano is going to give voters in New York regarding a State deadbeat most wanted list and website. He is going to argue that this is for the best interest of the children which is a common theme politicians use because it elicits emotional feelings for children and makes people support legislation based on that emotion even when they have no idea what the legislation is doing, even when it is doing dangerous things and lining the pockets of those that make incredible amounts of money from a polar family court system. The New York Assembly members are also going to argue that you are bad parents and families who have considerable amounts of money and who are out on their yachts drinking fine wine while your kids are at home eating ramen noodles daily because of your actions.

Our question to New York non-custodial family voters is, are you sure this is really what is going on and do you appreciate the Assemblyman making these wildly misinformed statements? Are you really out on your yachts, or are you part of the hundreds of millions of people unable to find employment, or who may have fallen ill, or perhaps you are taking care of a dying parent or ill spouse?

Assemblyman Montesano will argue that if you don’t have the ability to take care of a child, you shouldn’t have fathered a child. But the Assemblyman will never ask the custodial parent why she brought a child into the world when she is unable to care for the child even if that conception took place after a mutually consensual one night stand will he? To us it sounds like the New York Assembly is giving custodial parents a considerable amount of right with no responsibility, but non-custodial families few rights with a lot of responsibility.

This is especially important for politicians to get on-board with now that 40% of children born in New York coming into the world via unmarried Mothers who will use public assistance to make ends meet. Perhaps this is why the New York Assembly are so steadfast in making non-custodial families pay for it all.

Other issues Assemblyman Michael Montesano must face reality on:

  • Continuing to criminalize parents and forcing them into a federal enforcement system after the State of New York prevented them in supporting their kids directly as equal parents is a sure fire way to light the spark for domestic violence and murder/suicides. Under a fair and equal system where there is nothing to fight over, parents will lose the incentive to battle.
  • 40% of the parents the Assemblyman proposes to put on a most wanted deadbeat parent list are parents who were never told they had children by the mother and have warrants out for arrest for kids they never knew they had to support.
  • A large number of the parents that will end up on the Assemblyman’s most wanted list will be putative fathers who have zero rights to their children, but who the State expects them to pay for.
  • An overwhelming majority of the parents who end up on the Assemblyman’s most wanted list will be parents in extreme poverty and who have no money to get competent legal counsel, or to correct the problems in the legal system that led to their situation. Assemblyman Montesano should be ashamed that he is advocating for one parent being imprisoned for poverty and inability to get legal counsel while the custodial parent is handed 8 State programs to make ends meet.
  • Assemblyman Montesano should be ashamed to say that he supports a system by which parents are put into a federal enforcement agency because they simply lost a custody battle. And, the Assemblyman should be ashamed that he does not support the idea that kids need both parents, not one parent in prison while the other waves her public assistance card. Perhaps if the Assemblyman created a system where the non-custodial parents where empowered to be equal parents you would see more children being taken care of.

Assemblyman Michael Montesano Must Not Win Re-Election

Really Assemblyman? Do you have ANY idea how the New York Family Courts handle active duty Fathers in court? This is a disgusting level of pandering and if you are a service member who got their butts handed to them in the family courts then this politician needs to hear from you.

New York Non-Custodial Families MUST Vote NO In Any Future Elections Assemblyman Michael Montesano Runs In, And Unite Around FaFNY As An Advocate For You In The New York Assembly.

Here is why we think non-custodial families are where they are as it relates to equal parentage and having politicians criminalize them for poverty, we think that Assemblyman Montesano is looking out for the roughly $80,000 lawyers make off JUST ONE FAMILY over 18 years under the current system.

On this fact alone, the Assemblyman can stick “best interest of the child” where the sun does not shine because in NO way are these rich lawyers paying for New York’s kids educational expenses, ability to put a down payment on a home, to start a business, or pay for medical care that parents COULD pay for if their money weren’t in the pockets of the very powerful lawyers lobby groups.

It is imperative that non-custodial families realize their importance as a enormous group of voters in New York that come from every gender, educational background, economic status, and cultural and ethnic background. It is also important for Women in non-custodial families to realize you get equally hurt in stupid decisions politicians like Assemblyman Michael Montesano makes.

With this in mind, we ask that you extensively and routinely share this article on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other social networks so that other non-custodial families in New York can rally behind FaFNY and hold Assemblyman Montesano’s feet to the fire in creating a equal and fair system that is most assuredly in the best interest of children.

If New York non-custodial parents do not form an equally powerful and united association as the ones that advocate for your demise in the New York Assembly daily, you have nobody to blame but yourselves.

July 29, 2013 Posted by | Uncategorized | 5 Comments

NC Judges advise parents about child custody mediation on Youtube

NC Judges advise parents about custody mediation on YoutubeIt appears NC Judges have taken to social media (Youtube)  in an effort to advise parents on how the family courts operate and there is a strong emphasis on custody mediation. Having come across these videos, we obviously decided to watch them and do so with an open mind. In this article, we are going to provide our assessment of the message these Judges have for parents and their families, and we are going to ask one, just one very simple question of non-custodial families in particular. That question is, given your experiences in the NC family court, do you REALLY believe that these Judges have the best interest of children in mind, or is there a balance of best interest of children, and serving the many special interest groups who have formed around the family courts in order to monetize the process? The fact is custody mediation in NC does not work because Judges are unable to overcome the 80 yr systematic bias they have for one parent over the other, and have socialized parents and probably everyone in North Carolina to understand that the goal is to win custody and control of the kids at any cost.

there is no excuse for domestic violence

There are simply too many incentives to not be the parent with custody, and until Judges and Legislators deal with that, this entire system is going to be a joke. Everyone knows that if you have one parent adamant that she/he is going to win custody, then the entire system is pointless. And, these malicious parents know that their chances are very high given the history and statistics on the courts choosing one parent over the other. In short, why mediate when I know I’m going to win everything in court? Why mediate when I know I will have all the control? Why mediate when I know the other parent just wants to get into court where there is a system built around winning? Our belief is that the day the courts take away ANY chance of one parent winning, these parents will stop fighting and focus on working together because that is the path that has the best outcome for children winning.

After we break down these Youtube videos on custody mediation put out by NC Judges, we are going to explore the many special interest groups that have a stake in the NC family court industry. Under each video we will provide some commentary and thoughts on each one.

It is refreshing to hear Judge Enochs tell parents that they should not allow a Judge to hear their custody case, but unfortunately Judges fail to recognize that the malicious parent wants custody mediation to fail so that he/she can get into court and win at any cost. In listening to Judge Sue Burch talk about resolving custody cases, we had to laugh because the reality is these cases are never resolved. The courts are ridiculous, it is a never ending cattle call of the same parents filing motion after motion after motion in system that is setup for only one to win. When one parent wins custody, the other parent tries to unseat the other, then the other parent tries to prevent it and you end up having 18 years of fighting. This is good for lawyers, but very detrimental to children.

In viewing the video above, we simply have to ask non-custodial families, are you pleased with the disposition of your child custody case? How about you step-parents, grandparents? Do you like being only allowed to see your kids or grandchildren four days a month because someone HAD to lose a custody battle? Do you like being in a federal enforcement agency who takes your money instead of directly supporting your children as an equal parent?

Honest with each other? Are you kidding me? The goal of our current child custody system is to win, at any cost. This system NEEDS for each parent to be the most horrible person on the earth so that the parent wanting custody can win. The fact is most child custody matters are filled with extreme manipulation, lying, and false allegations aimed at forming a tactical advantage in the courts and NC Judges allow it.

We honestly do not know where to begin after viewing the video above and will just allow non-custodial families to sit back and pray or laugh.

NC Judges fail us using social media
So you thought that child support enforcement is simply a federal program aimed at supporting children who have an absent parent and who refuses to support his/her child huh? Most people do, but what they also fail to realize is that many times the parent ordered to pay support was PREVENTED in doing so directly as an equal parent and was forced into this federal agency. Why? Because the State of North Carolina gets upwards of 300 million dollars a year from the U.S. Federal Government in collection of child support and paternity establishment. Pursuant to the Social Security Act, Title IV, Part D, Section 458, for each dollar collected in child support, the government will send back an equal match of federal money they can use for social services programs. In short, the State of NC does not need equal parents directly supporting their children, they need one side of the family court ordered into marginalization four days a month and pushed into this federal agency that helps the State pay for the rising cost associated with social services programs. If NC parents were successfully doing mediation, they might actually learn to get along and share custody, which would mean no ability to enforce a parent. For those of you who have been in child support court, you will immediately recognize that the workers seemed more interested in how much money you had that day and payed no attention to whether you were an equal parent and even had access to your children as a parent, step-parent, grandparent, or aunt and  uncle. These child support enforcement workers are under federal mandate to get money, NC Judges know it, and Legislators need it to pay for Welfare.

Earlier we talked about incentives to not mediate by a malicious parent. Why mediate when that parent needs financial assistance, food stamps, housing assistance, educational assistance, daycare assistance, medical and dental assistance, job assistance, and tax incentives to live? Only custodial parents receive this, and if we had an equal system where both parents were empowered, it would likely mean less benefits and incentives for the one parent who wants to win.

NC Judges fail us on domestic violence as it relates to custody mediation.

Domestic Violence in North Carolina is an insidious problem that is going to require every man and woman on this planet to stop it’s existence, but the problem with the response to Domestic Violence is that it has become monetized and used for political purposes. And, the lobby groups that have their eye on this issue are one of the biggest advocates of the current court system where one family is pushed as far away as possible, while the custodial family enjoys power and control. Using the issue of Domestic Violence to gain political power and money is disgusting, and it is actually exacerbating violence, especially for those in the family courts. Each year, Congress hands out 550 million dollars a year to special interest groups who have formed to do Domestic Violence work. These include book writers, and professional lobbyist who want to make a living from this issue. If you look on the website of the NC Coalition Against Domestic violence you will only see data related to male on female violence, and zero information about female on female violence, male on male violence, and female on male violence. Additionally, the causes for domestic  violence, as explained by NCCADV, is patriarchy and gender oppression despite a wealth of data showing that substance abuse, mental illness, poverty, job loss, emotional disorders, and anger management problems being first and foremost as the causes for domestic violence. By this organization singling out only Men, it is clear this is an organization using gender and sexual politics as it’s lobbying efforts, and this spells disaster for women in paternal families, and even Mothers with male children who will get caught up in this web of deception when they are Fathers.

If you subscribe to the idea that domestic violence laws and lobbying should be centered on Men ONLY, while overlooking other gender types and sexual orientation, consider this example: If you have two children, a male and female, and both are throwing temper tantrums, you do not only correct that behavior in the child who may be doing it 10% more and let the other child throw them. This is exactly what the NCCADV is doing and NC legislators are listening to them. This organization is the single most influential organization preventing shared parenting in NC because they have legislators believing that all Men are natural abusers of Women and Children, including your sons, brothers, nephews, and fathers.

NC Judges and lawyers make money when custody mediation fails.

Family court battles in North Carolina are big business. The average cost of a custody battle is $20,000 per parent. The latest studies show that parents will fight two of these battles over an 18 year period along with minor battles over contempt violations, visitation modification, and child support. Parents in NC are spending roughly $90,000 with lawyers over 18 years and if there was nothing to fight over, or mediation worked, then parents would not be forking over potential down payments on homes, college educations, and medical coverage fighting. The NC Bar Association, along with the Domestic Violence lobby is adamantly opposed to a system where parents are not fighting and spending money with lawyers. Thankfully, in recent weeks we have met a few lawyers who have joined NC Fathers who are expressing outrage over this and we want to thank them.

NC Judges and social services

Since social services agencies in North Carolina are completely dependent on Title IV-D money from non-custodial families, and they need a lot of families not having regular access to their children so that they pay greater child support and trigger more federal money which keeps them employed and being service driven for custodial families. We believe that social services is very abusive with non-custodial families because of how the system is setup and opens the door for overly aggressive child protective services investigations. Without marginalized visitor and non-custodial families, there would be no money to maintain their employment.

NC Judges and lobby groups love when custody mediation fails.

As we have shown, the family court process is big business with many different groups having political and financial interest in and there are countless lobby organizations who fund their organizations by funneling members to their cause using gender and sexual politics and misinformation. A simple search of the Internet will reveal lobby groups who believe Fathers are natural sexual and physical abusers that should never have access to their children, and vice versa. The problem here is that when one of these groups get big enough, their membership and money yields significant power over politicians who need their votes. For going on 60 years now, lobby groups that represent custodial parents, child support enforcement, lawyers, and others have had a seat at the table when legislation is considered. The reason that non-custodial families keep getting the short end of the stick is because there is not one single lobby that is united and representing them and their children.

Until you as non-custodial parents, step-parents, grandparents, and other families realize that you are a HUGE group of voters with considerable power, and who use that power through unification then the current joke of the family law process will always be like it is and no amount of right or wrong will ever change it. Politicians and Judges understand four things 1) Money 2) Power 3) Votes and 4) The lack thereof.

There are roughly 4.7 million people in NC who are either directly or indirectly related to a non-custodial family, and these numbers EASILY allow you to affect numbers 1-4 above.

July 22, 2013 Posted by | Uncategorized | 8 Comments