NC Fathers Rights

Judge Debra Massie Joins The Carteret County NC Courts

District County Judge DebraGovernor Roy Cooper recently appointed Judge Debra Massie (Debbie) to the Carteret County NC District Court which is located in District 3B. Mrs. Massie is a former family law attorney with a local law firm based in Beaufort NC. As a newly appointed judge in this district, we’re asking non-custodial parents and ESPECIALLY family members of non-custodial parents to use the form below to let us know if she continues the status quo of encouraging parental conflict between two parents by encouraging them to fight for 18 years, or if she makes ruling based on collaborative law which encourages two parents to meet in the middle for the best interest of a child. Under collaborative law, the courts approach all custody and child support decisions on bolstering both parents continued interest with a minor child over a system which pits one parent against the other in hopes of being the custodial parent.

In addition to family court matters, we’re also interested in hearing from non-custodial families on whether this judge is open to shared parenting, or the status quo of severely limiting visitation so that more child support can be ordered which is in the state’s best interest because it triggers federal Title IV-D funds for which social services can use.

RELATED: DSS is involved in the industry too

We want to be clear, we are in support of child support obligations and rulings when a parent refuses to be active in a child’s life. We’re not in support of disallowing parents who do want to be involved in a child’s life and that being denied so greater child support can be paid, which again triggers federal money for the state which Judge Massie is employed by.

Continuing, we’re interested to hear from voters and families whether this judge moved child custody and child support cases along quickly, or allows lawyers to play games with cases over time so that they can bill and get 2nd and 3rd retainers.

Families need to remember that the family court system is an industry where lawyers get rich when two parents fight for 18 years because it creates more billable hours. The traditional game of creating a system where one parent needs the other to be a horrible person, and many times lying or instigates another parent so it can be used in court to win custody, is one which adds gasoline to an already volatile situation. This volatility is directly linked to murder and suicide, domestic violence, and other violence.

Additionally, and unfortunately, it’s become common for two fighting parents to realize that a mere allegation of domestic violence or other false allegation is typically enough to put the other parent at a disadvantage within the District 3B courts. Notice we said mere allegation, not cases where there is actual evidence.

Under preponderance of the evidence, no proof is actually needed, it’s just what the judge THINKS happened.

Non-custodial parents and their families need to understand the civil courts operate under preponderance of the evidence which means one does not actually need proof or evidence to be found liable and it affect a custody matter.

And, it’s common for judges at election time to state their toughness on domestic violence and abuse, so it benefits Judge Debra Massie for there to be many examples of where she was tough on these types of cases.

Our concern is many false allegations get ruled as actually happening so that the courts don’t have to consider shared parenting, and judges within the system get election talking points. Of course, the lawyers love this so they can bill.

Lastly, we need Judge Massie to understand that she is complicit in decades of creating a system which encourages divorce and family fighting for profit.

We also need non-custodial parents and EVERY member of their family to understand that judges in the courts can not continue to be elected and receive support for other elected officials while this practice continues. We believe that non-custodial family members are as equally important in the lives of children as they are with custodial parents.

In understanding this, we hope families in this situation will undertake daily activism and start emailing and calling local elected officials to change this system.

It’s VITALLY important that non-custodial parents AND THEIR ENTIRE FAMILY to understand that you represent a MASSIVE number of people who can impact elections. If you’re tired of being ruled as the “bad parent” and not seeing your grandchildren often, then be a pain in the rear to your local representatives.

The Industry

May 5, 2021 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Cherokee County Department Of Social Services Busted

Cherokee County NC DSSThe Cherokee County Department of Social Services in NC is currently facing a federal lawsuit and already had a case overturned by a local district court judge over improper uses of a custody and visitation agreement (CVS) in order to remove children from homes with a court or judge hearing a case. According to reports, there are potentially over 100 families in Cherokee County NC who had children removed from the home or parental rights severed using custody and visitation agreements. In this case, the plaintiff alleges that DSS gave him no choice but to sign the agreement and he lost all contact with his child. Both the director of the local agency and attorney for the agency faced questioning in the federal lawsuit.

If you’re reading this document from this county and believe you too were abused by this agency, we STRONGLY encourage you to contact an out of county attorney who specializes in civil rights lawsuits.

How Do I File A Complaint Against DSS?

Many readers to our website often ask us what can be done about a rogue state agency who seemingly is operating outside the bounds of the law, and the answer we always have is there is nobody. You’re only way to file a complaint is to spent $5000 to hire a lawyer. But as we’re about outline, that’s likely not going to help.

If we had to guess, we suspect that the DSS workers in this matter were taking kids to get them in to the system so they can pull in state and federal money. And, we likely suspect that low income families were the targets of this specifically. This agency knows that very few families, especially during the 2020 and 2021 pandemic, have $5000 cash to fight a state agency in court, much less get one in front of the federal courts.

For decades, we’ve been shining a spotlight on DSS abuses for profit. But this also extends to the local judges and lawyers who also make a profit FROM this type of abuse happening in the first place.

Problem 1

Family court and DSS court is an industry which benefits from 2 parents viciously fighting for 18 years so lawyers can make money. The lawyers that litigants hire to help them in court are delighted you’re there so they can bill through 3 sets of retainers before cases get settled. The problem with this is that the 18 years of fighting is responsible for untold murder/suicides, domestic violence, and suicides by people who lose access to their children because of poverty, or within a system designed to make money rather than in the best interest of families and children.

The “in the best interest of the children” routine is the warm and fuzzy marketing to make the courts sound human.

Problem 2

The Cherokee County Department of Social Services gets state and federal money when parents are removed from their children.

For decades we’ve shined the light on the Social Security Title IV-D program which gives each county 86 cents for every dollar they collect in child support which is then used to aid low income families.

While we have no problem with child support, we have a big problem when judges and social workers work their magic to separate children from parents just to get this federal aid.

If you’ve ever wondered why after a family court hearing you weren’t allowed equally shared parenting, it’s because the county wants their Title IV-D money. The less visitation you have, the more they collect in federal aid.

And, local lawyers love that DSS pulls these tactics because it’s billable hours.

The only way residents in Cherokee County NC can get their complaints heard when DSS and local judges and attorneys pull their crap, is to talk with your local legislators, or to form a local group to work to unseat local judges, commissioners, representatives, and senators.

When you take in to account the numbers of divorces and families to parents who are destroyed by unequal courts, no elected official can survive re-election with that number of people working against them.

The Industry

May 3, 2021 Posted by | Uncategorized | 2 Comments

NC Jury Nullification. Can It Help Non-Custodial Parents?

jury nullification in North CarolinaI was reading up on jury nullification as a NC resident and began to wonder if men and women in non-custodial families could use this in other areas of the NC court system to bring about changes in the civil court system? It is pretty clear that both Democratic and Republican legislators have no interest in a equal system by which a child can continue to gain from both parents and extended families after a divorce, and that they are protecting their beloved industry where pitting parents against each other maximizes billable hours for lawyers in the State of NC. It is also clear that the only way to maximize Title IV-D federal money coming in to social services is to increase the amount of money non-custodial parents pay which is usually done by decreasing visitation.

Child support is a good thing when a parent has no interest in visitation and makes a decision to not even attempt to be a parent. Child support is a cruel concept when you deny a parent equal access in the courts to maximize child support and thus Title IV-D money. And, it’s clear this industry has no interest in reforming the family courts.

So I began to wonder, if judges and lawyers have no interest in advocating for the non-custodial side of the NC courts in civil matters, why should we care about their beloved criminal courts?

Do you think District Attorneys in NC might start putting pressure on judges, legislators, and other lawyers when non-custodial parents, grandparents, and extended family members start using jury nullification to force change in NC?

Why should we be civic minded when they continue their system of giving custodial parents social services help in the areas Medicaid, food assistance, housing help, daycare help, and many other areas then put non-custodial parents in jail when they face financial hardship?

Again, judges in NC do not give a damn about non-custodial parents and grandparents. They continue to routinely make decisions that separate you from your kids knowing that it will enrage you and make you start spending money with lawyers. They know that separated from your kids cause you to pay greater child support which helps the social services system get state and federal money from the Title IV-D system.

They literally do not care. They are not going to change.

Is it time to force that change by advocating for up to 50% of NC’s residency from non-custodial families to use jury nullification in the criminal courts to bring about chaos until judges and lawyers get it?

Be sure to use the comment section below to let us know what you think about the concept of NC jury nullification by non-custodial parents and grandparents. Will it help to reform the family courts?

What are some other ways besides civil disobedience on a jury will bring chaos to their industry to bring about change?

In fact, as a NC parent, send an email to your local NC county district attorney and link them to this article and let’s find out.

November 23, 2019 Posted by | Uncategorized | 3 Comments

District Attorney Henry Garza And Bell County TX Voters. Meet Christopher Precopia.

DA Henry Garza in Bell County TXDistrict Attorney Henry Garza of Bell County, TX and local police recently arrested Christopher Precopia and prepared him for prosecution after an ex-girlfriend accused him of breaking in to her apartment and cutting a X in to her chest with a box cutter. While Precopia is from nearby Williamson County, TX, the crime is alleged to have occurred in Bell County. Precopia was arrested and jailed by local police without even making contact with him and asking any investigative questions. He was given a $150,000 bond and reported that when he attempted to talk with police in jail they told him “Don’t pretend like you didn’t do it”. Sounds like an open and shut case doesn’t it? After all, given epidemic levels of domestic violence, who would ever question the innocence of a young jilted ex-lover of a woman right? Here is the problem, District Attorney Garza has a secret weapon he knows will likely win in cases like this, it’s called political correctness and mob mentality.

What transpired after the arrest of Christopher Precopia

Despite facing 99 years in prison, the district attorney and local police continued the prosecution of this man with only 50% of the investigation complete. Had they actually done their job, they would know that the mother of Mr. Precopia had a timestamped and geo-location stamped picture of her and her son at the time the ex-girlfriend claimed that he assaulted her. The picture was taken over 65 miles away from where the ex-girlfriend lives. Additionally, cell phone pings would easily reveal where Mr. Precopia was at the time of the alleged crime.

Judge, courts, nc

Incredibly, even with with knowledge, the district attorney kept the pressure on the accused along with local police help.

What will transpire after this matter, and what should transpire

1. Given the exculpatory evidence, the DA will likely drop the case and Mr. Precopia will just have to deal with his likely loss of employment, social stigmatization, time incarcerated, and his family will just have to deal with the money they put up for his bail.

2, The accuser will not be questioned about her conflicting statements to police, nor be prosecuted.

3. The police and the DA knows that the Precopia family will likely be too scared to take law enforcement and him to court, even if they can find a lawyer who will want to sue their colleagues.

4. The narrative and political profits of this case will be more important than an individual facing life in prison.

5. What should happen in this matter is that the Precopia family should hire an out of state civil rights attorney who files a federal lawsuit against them far away from their protected enclave.

Our questions for WOMEN voters in Bell County TX who have sons

As women and voters, how do you feel knowing that this man (someone’s son) and likely your sons can be arrested, imprisoned, lose a job and be socially stigmatized in the local community based on a simple allegation where only that accuser gives information?

How do you feel knowing that the local county DA and local police likely know that you can’t do anything about this wrongful prosecution if you are able to bring forth exculpatory evidence?

How do you feel knowing that the accuser in this matter will never face prosecution or be questioned in a manner which protects both parties in the process of what actually happened instead of forming a conclusion that can help a political narrative and future political aspirations for Mr. Garza?

Further Reading

November 18, 2018 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Are all white mothers white supremacist?

Huffington Post contributor article on whether white mothers and fathers are white supremacist

Shannon Gaggero, a striving parent on race relations and children

September 19, 2016 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Rosie Batty, Australian Women and Children Advocate on Domestic Violence Shows How The Family Court Is Both Flawed and Ruled By Feminist

Feminism and family courtsRosie Batty is an Australian women and children’s advocate speaking out about domestic violence and family violence and how the family courts are flawed and hurt single mothers. Not surprisingly, she also speaks and writes and uses social media top talk about how family violence hurts women and children and has quite an impressive social media following. For a lot of readers of this article, what we have written thus far will likely garner a great deal of support for Rosie Batty and her efforts on domestic and family violence. Furthermore, we suspect that most women and even some men will champion her efforts and that most feminist will applaud her attention to women’s and children’s issues in the areas of violence. In our research on Ms. Batty, we found nothing to indicate that she is a practicing feminist, but we do see an awful lot of narratives that professional feminist organizations use when talking about the family courts and domestic violence.

So what is the problem and why are we drawing attention to her and her efforts to end violence?

First, in looking at a recent article written about her at the Huffington Post (A far left wing feminist organization who gains millions of dollars a year in writing articles on social issues with a social justice warrior slant to gain high traffic for advertising revenue) entitled “Rosie Batty Says Men Who Have Never Hit Women Can Still Be Dangerous“, we noted that Ms. Batty is attempting to say that all men are dangerous, even if they do not hit.

Within the article, there is an extreme amount of sexist narrative that unfolds that reads right out of the radical feminist playbook which seeks to stigmatize all men and boys so that professional feminist can then have an issue to talk about, write books on, get money from governments on to do research, deliver $20,000 speeches on, start non-profits that profit employees, and to build lobby groups for political clout.

Let’s take a look at a few examples from the article about Rosie Batty:

“But on Wednesday, domestic violence campaigner Rosie Batty used the opportunity to address all men instead of just politicians.

She did this before even speaking, sharing the stage with Men’s Behavior Change counselor Danny Blay.”

In any research, article, or report when you see the words “All men” or “All women” you should realize that you are dealing with someone who has an agenda, be it political, financial, or attention”

And here we start to see the political and financial efforts being realized:

“The Coalition has promised $30 million for family violence legal centers while the New South Wales government announced $300 million to tackle the problem, putting GPS detectors on perpetrators and investing $8 million in men’s behavior change programs.”

“This debate should be above politics. It’s about putting the safety, well-being and essential needs of children above all else. It is about keeping our kids safe from violence and terror,” Batty said.

Reviews on Rosie Batty as a women and children's advocate in the Australian family law system

According to this article, we are asked to believe the following:

  • That all men are dangerous even if they do not hit, that men who are mentally and psychologically abusive are MORE dangerous.
  • That men are the only domestic batterers, and that men are the only mental and psychological abusers because of toxic masculinity (a new feminist buzzword).
  • That the Australian government should recognize Rosie Batty as the most revered women and children’s advocate in the county and start spending millions of dollars per year on changing men’s behaviors.
  • That the family courts should have a mandate that follows this narrative when dealing with families withing the family law system.
  • That female batterers and women who commit mental and psychological abuse are always operating within an environment where a male is actually controlling her and thus her abuse is a symptom of toxic masculinity.

Basically, what we have here is a feminist’s dream family law system with Rosie Batty at the helm demanding that judges view domestic violence and family violence as a all male perpetrator/woman victim system, that to keep children safe, children should have little interaction with their fathers if any, that government should funnel money from government programs to support women and children only, and when we do see female family violence and domestic violence we are likely see a symptom of male control and oppression.

There was no word in the articles at the Huffington Post on how Rosie Batty explains female domestic violence on children when the father isn’t even known, or when domestic violence occurs in lesbian marriages or intimate partnership situations. We suspect that the feminist tried and true declaration that the invisible patriarchy is involved when two women commit violence, or when a mother commits violence on her child when a toxic male isn’t in the picture.

With modern feminism, it is always going to boil down to it being a man’s fault. Feminism and women and children’s advocates within the family law system and courts have done a great job over 80 years of framing all violence as a men’s issues and that after divorce systems setup to only benefit women and children.

As with most articles we write on this issue, this is where we usually link to millions upon millions of Internet articles of women killing husbands and boyfriends, their own children, other women, and whatnot. The problem here is that the professional feminist lobby has an interest in this only being defined as a male problem and will use buzzwords like “The patriarchy”, “toxic masculinity” and “male privilege” so that we can assign female violence as a symptom of the male problems.

What is the bottom line?

If you are a male not ingrained in the new modern radical feminist movement, or use this issue for political reasons, you are probably calling bullshit. But calling this bullshit isn’t going to cut it since the radical feminist movement and advocates for women and children like Rosie Batty have successfully lobbied governments, lawyers associations, judicial associations, and the domestic violence industry to implement these policies.

And quit frankly men deserve the raw deal they are getting in the family courts not because of toxic masculinity or that they are nature born abusers, but because for going on 80 years men have had their thumb up their asses not forming their own advocacy groups and affecting politics in the same way as the angry feminist.

But there is another groups that I think Rosie Batty is highly disrespectful to, and that is women who have sons. Essentially, what this advocate is saying is that the little child you hold in your hands today is going to become toxic and will abuse, and from that he and YOU should have little contact with that child should a divorce happen.

So much for equality with feminist huh?

As a feminist who is truly about equality among the genders and has no interest in gender warfare and has interest in actually stopping all domestic violence and family violence in Australia or here in the United States, what are your thoughts on Rosie Batty and her advocate status?

As a everyday women with sons, what are your thoughts on radical feminist attempting to stigmatize your sons as future domestic batters and psychological abusers who should have little access to their children (and you by proxy)? Using the comment section below, what do you have to say to Rosie Batty?

Learn more about Fathers rights in Australia or visit the author on Twitter.

Tags: Rosie Batty, Domestic Violence, Australian Family Courts

June 16, 2016 Posted by | Uncategorized | 5 Comments

NC County Child Protective and Social Services Complaints

NC County Child Protective (CPS) and Social Services ComplaintsNC Fathers is encouraging parents who are currently involved in a NC County Department of Social Services (DSS) and Child Protective Services (CPS) case where social workers and supervisors have taken your children away from you and put them in to foster care, have prevented you from seeing a child, to have supervised visits while a child is in kinship care, or has completely terminated your parental rights and adopted your child(ren) out. NC Fathers believes in the past 5 years NC County Department of Social Services agencies and Child Protective Services have dropped their reunification mission and are now aggressively targeting children they can take and keep for years in foster care while receiving state and federal money when they could be assisting parents or a parent in getting the help they need to better their lives and be more of a functional parent.


NC Fathers also believes that NC County Department of Social Services agencies along with Child Protective Services are aligning with state adoption agencies in a campaign to make sure there are a fresh batch of adoptable children made available to them no doubt with money at stake.

nc county social services complaints

NC Family Courts and Parents

We believe that directors with state social services agencies have taken a page from the family law attorney rule book and have learned that if they can inflame situations instead of being services driven, they can reap federal money for longer periods of time (as lawyers do with billing) and keep social workers payed and the county social services budget funded.
UPDATE 9/2015 – Today we had an individual comment on this blog and dared us to list one tangible way that a NC County Department of Social Services and Child Protective Services department is abusive to parents and not about families, so we thought that we would oblige them.

The department’s claim: We are about serving NC County families. We have value in both parents and both set’s of extended family members.

First Example: A NC County DSS insures that a custodial parent gets food stamps, educational benefits to go to school, Medicaid, Section 8 housing, WIC, and child support. If the custodial parent wants to make it a career, no problem.

If the non-custodial parent has a life event happen, or crisis and gets hungry, there is no food stamps. Need help going to school? Get a loan. Need medical care, pay for it. Need housing? Pay for it. Need help financially? Sorry, go to jail.

The Department is NOT about family unless their definition of family is the custodial parent, child(ren), and the custodial extended family.

Example two: The Department is VERY STRICT about child support because they know it triggers federal money. Don’t let the department catch you not paying child support. The department knows FULL well that custodial parents deny court ordered visitation all the time and that a non-custodial parent has no way to remedy that unless they have $5000. The denial of visitation is parental alienation, which is child abuse and they do not care, nor will you see DSS lobby groups touch the issue.

NC Fathers believes that the only parents who should not be seeing their children, or who should lose rights to a natural child are parents who absolutely refuse to change abusive and dysfunctional ways, not parents who are willing to get help.

NC Fathers believes that NC County Department of Social Services and Child Protective Services preys on poverty stricken parents who can not afford a $5000 attorney whenever social services wants to file a petition, or when one parent using a false allegation to get social services involved and that parent can’t afford an attorney to remedy the situation.

NC Fathers believes that county social services agencies are particularity totalitarian with non-custodial parents over custodial parents because they realize that non-custodial parents are a federal trigger of Title IV-D federal funds that get’s dropped in to the lap of social services each year.

NC Fathers takes issues with many child protective services social workers making very critical decisions when a worker only has a four year degree in some type of human services field, and we take issue with county judges who just rubber stamp social services petitions or recommendations.

NC Fathers believes that NC County social services agencies and child protective services is overwhelmed with caseloads due to the anonymous reporting system where people are using social services to make radical false allegations hoping that something sticks when that parent is about to enter a child custody lawsuit and needs the other parent neutralized.

NC Fathers believes that NC social services agencies dragging out cases for years and preventing parents from seeing children is parental alienation and highly abusive to voters and children.

NC Fathers believes that non-custodial parents and the amount of people who are involved in social services actions and petitions each year are a huge population of voters and it is time we come together and make sure that they begin again their policy of reunification with natural parents and do better jobs of realizing when one parent or other family member is manipulating them to gain favor in a child custody hearing.

NC County Department of Social Services (DSS) and Child Protective Services Complaints

Immediate Action needed:

Using the comment system below, and NOT using your real name, leave a detailed comment on which county social services agency in NC you are dealing with now, or have dealt with in the past, and have your say on how they handled your cases ineffectively and could have handled it a different way so that a child can have access to both natural parents. In your complaints about DSS and CPS, do NOT use anyone’s name as it really has no bearing on what we attempt to achieve.

We want to maintain a statewide repository of parents who have lost children to overly aggressive CPS actions where natural parents lost children to adoption or where social services aided another parent in a child custody case.

We do ask that you subscribe to replies and use your real email address so that when we reply, you will get our message. Your email address is NOT publicly available in your comment.

Additionally, we ask that you extensively share this document with other families on social media so that we can reach more people.

Once we get 5,000 comments and 5,000+ people aligned with this cause, we are going to begin a very strong lobby campaign with NC Representatives and Senators and literally make their phone rings off the hook hourly and daily until changes are made.

September 1, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | 74 Comments

What if I do not have the money to hire a NC child custody attorney?

money to hire lawyer NCBefore we discuss “What if I do not have the money to hire a NC child custody attorney?” it is important to note that NC Fathers is NOT a NC law firm nor is this document prepared by a licensed lawyer in any area of law. This document is not legal advice and here for information purposes only. If you need legal advice on child custody or in any other area of law then we encourage you to hire a lawyer. Although, as this article will spell out, if you do not have the money to hire one for a child custody matter, ex parte, or any other case before the domestic courts and family courts, you have no options but to represent yourself pro se (appear before court without an attorney. However, it should be noted that in our opinion NC judges do not like pro se litigants in family law because they take up much time of the courts when parents are not able to have documents in order and follow court procedure. We also suspect that family law judges do not like pro se litigants because they would rather see parents going bankrupt with a child custody attorney who’s state association has so much control over in judicial elections.

NC County divorce attorney reviews

As we have pointed out in our article on the NC family courts and the game that it is, the bottom line here is not the best interest of children, it is the best interest of NC lawyers bank accounts.

NC Fathers estimates that there are tens of thousands, if not approaching hundreds of thousands, in the State of North Carolina who will lose contact with a child forever simply because they do not have the money to hire a NC child custody lawyer in a restraining order, ex-parte, or other family law matter. The people losing contact with a child are parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, step-siblings, and other family members. And, you are simply losing contact because of poverty.

Let’s take a look at some other areas in NC where the courts do not allow this. In the criminal courts, if you do not have the money to hire an attorney you can get a court appointed lawyer and it is very typical for criminal lawyers to offer free consultations and payments to be represented.

But not in family law, lawyers and the system knows that emotions and just out and out anguish will force you in to finding money necessary to get contact with a child. If two married people used this type of emotional abuse against each other, it would be considered domestic violence. But not in the family court system and their $750 consultation fees just to tell you that you need a lawyer and $5000 up front retainer fees just to get STARTED. We are in contact with people daily here in North Carolina who are well in to the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on family law attorneys. The reality here is that sometimes emotions and anguish simply does not allow you to find the money to hire a NC lawyer.

Now lawyers will tell you that the high expense related to family law and child custody is that litigants usually want to fight for years and this has forced them in to billing for many years. The reality is lawyers inflame situations and make wild allegations that are unproven because the family courts operate on preponderance of the evidence (no need for evidence to be shown, an arrest or petition can be brought on allegation alone, can be found guilty or have orders placed on you without evidence or witnesses as long as a judge has a certain amount of “likelihood” that something happened). This is turn causes parents to battle for 18 years and for lawyers to bill.

Another reality is that the judge has total control of the courts, if she/he wanted cases to move forward faster and everything resolved in the best interest of the child, she/he would at the snap of an order. It is important to remember that judges were once likely family court lawyers who made millions.

The simply fact in the following very common event in NC is that if you do not have money to hire a lawyer in a NC child custody, ex parte, or allegation of some sort that resulted in you not being able to see your children, you are going to never see them again, and neither will grandparents, aunts and uncles, and other family members.

To use, this is real abuse and neglect, not only by one parent, but at the hands of judges and lawyers within the courts, along with social services.

While it may not be advised, the reality is that it is perfectly legal for one married person to leave the home with a child and move abroad or across country with a child and establish residency and consistency and never inform the other parent where they or or allow them to see the other side of the family.

It costs this parent $0 to do this and essentially establishes full custody of the child. The other parent is then forced to find $5000 to $7000 in a retainer fee to find the other parent and file a court petition. If the parent can not do this within 6 months to a year (depending on residency laws in other states), then that child and case falls under another jurisdiction for which you will have to find another $5000 to start proceedings in that state.

If you likely did not have the money to hire a lawyer in NC, then you surely won’t if you spend thousands here trying to find the other parent and getting a motion before the courts only to be told that the case is now in the jurisdiction of another state and you have to start all over.

In talks with NC Representatives and Senators about this problem, they indicate to us that they realize it is a problem but they refer everything to committees that handle family law procedures that are headed up by lawyers 🙂

What amazes us is that the numbers of parents that this is happening to is astronomical and represents a huge voter block of people that could literally drive Senators and Representatives crazy if these affected families would start calling their offices daily. Non-custodial families represent about half the population in every NC and dwarf the power that the lawyers association has. If you want to get immediate change to your dilemma, then organize with other non-custodial families on this page and start calling them daily.

August 9, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The Family Court, Preponderance Of The Evidence, and Domestic Violence Game. Learn How To Play!

The NC family court gameAt the risk of teaching the few remaining people on the planet how to play the family court, domestic violence, and preponderance of the evidence game successfully, we wanted to give you some insights on how things are played and show you why nobody within the court system and legislature is clamoring to fix things even though when you email them they are all to familiar with the problems. If you are a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, or another member of a non-custodial family and you have lost access to your young loved one’s, the information in this article is why.
family courts of NC

child custody county lawyer divorce mediation

If you are reading this document just to learn how to win full legal and physical custody of a child in any U.S. State and not spend any money, SIMPLY CLICK HERE.

In this article, we are going to be very hard on lawyers, legislators, and Judges, but we do want to acknowledge a select few who are actually opposed to our current system and speak out when they can, but it is important to note that these lawyers and some Judges run the risk of being ostracized and alienated within their own industry for speaking out.

There are actually some good Judges and lawyers in North Carolina who understand this game well, and how it is causing chaos in children and families.

Please consider using our comment system at the end of this article to leave an exhaustive comment about your case in the Family Court system, if it involved Domestic Violence, and how Preponderance of the Evidence was used to make a ruling that did not happen the way the complainant alleged it happened. Also, if you comment, please let us know that city you are from and which County/Parish Family Court you were in (ie. Columbia County SC Family Court)

It is also important to note that many of the laws in place that impact the domestic courts and family courts were created by lobby groups and legislators for good purposes, it is people who have found a way to pervert the laws and use them for ill will. The reason that the courts and lobby groups who represent lawyers and Judges do not fix the problem is that it is just too lucrative to keep the status quo.

First and foremost, there is nothing about our current family law system that is about the best interest of children. Creating a system that encourages two parents to battle for 18 years and each needing the other to be the antichrist is having a devastating impact on our children and people in our state.

We believe that if the courts were setup as a STARTING POINT of equal parentage and equal time, and Judges demanded that parents work together and then start taking away visitation and time as people refused to work with the other parent and for the child, we would have an incentive based system for parents not to battle and actually work together.

Under our current system, one parent who just automatically loses, while the other parent wins, sets off the 18 year battle and game. This starts the process of Mom needing Dad to make a mistake, critiques everything, sets him up, and makes allegations daily because she needs to remain the custodial parent and needs to prevent him from gaining any ground.

Conversely, I have no doubt this happens when fathers have custody and you really can’t blame either parent for playing the game they are FORCED to play in the system.

But be sure, as the game is played, billions of dollars annually are pumped in to the hands of lawyers, psychologist, law enforcement, and other industries.

It is important to note that NC Fathers is NOT a law firm, nor is anyone associated with us a lawyer. All information you read in this document is for informational purposes only.

This concept is the hardest fact to get across to folks who come to us asking how this happened, or wanting to know how he/she could get away with this. It just can’t be legal! Oh but it is.

Our family courts and domestic courts operate under a burden of proof model called “preponderance of the evidence” unlike our criminal courts which operate under either “clear and convincing” or “until proven guilty.”

Under preponderance of the evidence, a Judge needs only 51% information in his/her hands to say that the LIKELIHOOD of either an allegation or some other claim happened to make a judgement. Under preponderance of the evidence, you do NOT need evidence against you to lose in the family courts, and nobody has to prove anything for you to lose. If a Judge FEELS like it happened, it happened and nobody needs to prove it.

This opens the door for bias and ideologies.

Because we have a system where one parent HAS to lose custody and one parent HAS to win custody, people have learned to use false allegations to smear the other parent and hope that they make an impact. The lawyers love false allegations because it starts a billing cycle. Psychologist love false allegations because it means they can bill for assessment and therapy. Lobby groups love false allegations because they compile numbers to present to Congress to appeal for more and more money. NC DSS loves false allegations because it keeps them employed and getting federal money (See Title IV-D below).

At this point we have a family court and domestic court system that is based on an arena where one parent will lose, and one parent will win. Each parent needs the other parent to be responsible for the plague so that he/she can win. We have developed a system where neither parent needs evidence to PROVE the other party did something, and we have a system where the courts do not punish one parent for using a false allegation in order to win.

Why in the world would Judges punish a false allegation and let it be known that you can’t do that when that claim initiates billable court actions. Lawyers across the county would be up in arms!

To make matters worse, Judges, magistrates, and law enforcement in NC operate under the “It’s best to be safe than sorry principle” when likely it’s more just using this principle so that they can get more litigants in to the billable hours system. But, for the sake of this article let’s go with “It’s best to be safe than sorry principle” and show you how everything comes together.

Many of you will recognize this game. In our example we are going to take gender out of the equation because while it may be hard to see it, every gender in the family courts suffers WHEN you take in to consideration the extended families who love their grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and step-siblings.

Ready to play the game? This is how to win full legal custody of a child and force the other parent (and family) in to submission and out of a child’s life using the NC courts own rules. Let’s get started…

The starting point can vary and usually happens like this:

1. One parent has decided to divorce and has planned for months, then decides it is time to leave and does so with children in tow. That parent can move anywhere in the country or world legally with the children and not communicate his/her whereabouts if there is no court order. This costs exactly $0.

The other parent is then forced in to the system at the STARTING COST of $5000 to hire a lawyer to find the other parent and children. Don’t have $5000? Then you never see your kids again, and nor does your extended family.

If you do not find the money within 6 months, then the other parent has established residency in another country or state, and has also gotten the child in school and established CONSISTENCY. Now, one parent is burdened with traveling abroad or across country to hire an attorney and lord knows we know that you can attend 40 hearing before a final action is taken. Can you imagine traveling to California from NC 40 times? Our legislators, lawyers, and judges simply do not care, as long as money is exchanging hands. Can you imagine what visitation looks like between NC and California? You are effectively done.

Now, if you are lucky enough to find the other parent and you have $5000, the minute the other parent is served, there will be an immediate allegation of child abuse, spousal abuse, or sexual sexual abuse. It is every divorce attorney’s favorite go to weapon and it works because remember under preponderance of the evidence you need NO evidence, witnesses, or proof to make a claim, a Judge only needs 51% likelihood to say it happened, and there is no penalty to make a false claim.

Once the claim is made, you are not seeing your children and there will be an automatic restraining order placed on you. Again here no evidence is needed, and magistrates and judges hand them out like candy on the “It’s best to be safe than sorry” principle to cover themselves politically (or look good politically).

In this country, once you are alleged to be a child abuser or spousal abuser, a Judge is then in a politically bad position. He or she only needs 51% likelihood to send you down the river in the first place, and it is not a good political gamble to take a chance on the accused when children are involved.

It just to easy politically to cut you out of the child’s life.

2. If one parent decides that it is time to leave a marriage or relationship and decides not to leave the house, the other parent WILL be leaving and this too is thanks to our “It’s best to be safe than sorry” system and preponderance of the evidence.

It is important to remember that lawyers groups and others have successfully lobbied Congress to lower the definition of Domestic VIOLENCE down to emotional levels. Domestic Violence as defined by the NC Bar Association today is:

Domestic violence is attempting to cause or intentionally causing bodily injury or placing the victim in fear of imminent serious bodily injury. Continued harassment can constitute domestic violence if it causes substantial emotional distress. There needs to be a current or former relationship between the victim and abuser such as spouses, roommates, parent/child, or boyfriend/girlfriend“.

Let’s take a close look at “Continued harassment can constitute domestic violence if it causes substantial emotional distress” because this is where they get you. What does “emotional distress” look and feel like? How is it quantified and qualified? It is about as subjective as it gets. If I know that all I need is me getting emotional over a loud argument I helped create and engaged in to make him/her an abuser in public and can win immediate custody and maintain status of all community property, you bet I am going to jump all over that!

Hello, 911?

With this in mind, when one parent knowing he/she wants to leave a marriage and is ready to make it happen, he/she engages the other parent in a dispute, it gets loud, the neighbors hear it, the kids hear it, doors are slammed, fingers pointed, threats to leave, or “I’m going to take the kids from you and you will never see them again” and under our current laws it is Domestic Violence. There DOES NOT have to be actual battery or assault. There are millions of parents and grandparents who will never see their kids again because one parent is a domestic violence offender because she/he participated in a loud dispute where the other person got emotional and was simply unlucky enough not to be the one to call 911.

It is hard to imagine ANY marriage today not having domestic violence in it and we think many Judges, lawyers, psychologist, court reporters, DSS officials, law enforcement LOVES IT because it triggers billable hours and federal money.

The first parent who hears “911, what is your emergency” is going to be the one who wins. The other parent is now going to jail and lose a job either via the police or magistrate under “It’s best to be safe than sorry” and you have a 50/50 chance of being adjudicated guilty without any marks, witnesses, or evidence. And in today’s politically correct system, it is best for a Judge to send you down the river. It is important to remember that most Judges and their spouses for political reasons sit on Domestic Violence boards, so it’s not surprising to see all of those with allegations adjudicated guilty at least in the civil court sense.

Once the allegation is made, ONLY the allegation, you are jailed, lose a job, have to find new housing even if you can’t get to your bank account, you are on the hook for criminal charges and now hiring a lawyer for the family courts. Can’t get the money? Say good bye to your children because you are not seeing them again.

No evidence, no witnesses, no proof, a politically correct Judge under the gun, and salivating lawyers wanting money and you, the grandparents, the aunts and uncles, and other family members are never seeing your children again until they are 18.

There is another animal involved in this wheel and that is the State of North Carolina (all U.S. States) who scrambles each year to find money for budgets. The State, as are all states, need federal dollars to run services. Without a doubt the single largest influx of federal dollars coming in to all U.S. States is from the Title IV-D system that keeps social services afloat. The trigger for the money? A parent who is not an equal parent, but a parent who is court ordered out of their kid’s lives so they pay child support and the greater amount please because we get more federal money against the more we collect.

less time spent with you kids = more child support collected = more Title IV-D money for NC

Sorry kid, you can’t see your mom/dad, we got money to collect. And the other parent is fine because they get child support, and access to all the wonderful social services benefits if needed (or dependent on).

At this point, one really needs to ask the question. Why end Domestic Violence when it generates so much money for many industries? Why create a equal system when it creates so much money for lawyers when two parents battle like gladiators? Depressed and suicidal kids? Awesome, let’s get them in to court appointed counseling and bill. Oh, you are in jail based just on an allegation that doesn’t need to be proven? That’s OK, we are getting federal Domestic Violence money that is more than what it costs to keep you here.

Our system has LITERALLY monetized Domestic Violence. There is No desire to end Domestic Violence.

While I am sure it makes the public feel good, and no doubt the alleged victim loves it, the only thing we do with domestic violence offenders is put them in jail to further harden them, immediately take away their kids, force them out of employment, and ostracize them in society. And after release, we expect them to be model citizens? The state, nor social services, nor the family court cares about this because the likelihood of re-offending is now greater upon release which is good for lawyers billing schedule and lobbyist who are keeping statistics and fund raising.

As for the lobby groups, you are an awesome new statistic they can put on paper as they walk to Congress and shed a tear at to get new federal money to pretend to want to fix an issue that really makes them RICH!

And, nobody in Raleigh gives a damn because the lobby groups that control this wheel would eat them for lunch!

If you want to learn how all of this works, SIMPLY CLICK HERE.


So, how do you win the Family Court game? It’s easy. 1) If there is no court order, leave the house and go to another country or state and hide out for 6 months. 2) Get emotional, call 911, say “I’m scared” and don’t worry about needing evidence.

July 28, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | , | 32 Comments

Gay Marriage, Domestic Violence, and the Family Courts. What Happens Now?

Gay Marriage (same sex), Domestic Violence, and the Family Courts. What Happens Now?As of 6/26/2015, the U.S. Supreme Court has decided that Gay marriage (same sex) should be legal in all U.S. States, which legally now gives them a right to get divorced, become domestic violence offenders, have custody battles in the family courts, and see their property liquidated and a large share of that property liquidated and handed over to lawyers.

No doubt about it, today is a banner day for the legal industry who now has roughly 40% of the population at hand to see a divorce and 8 year custody battle initiated where yesterday it did not have the legal right to do, along with the routine filing of restraining orders and domestic violence complaints proactively to put the other side in a bad position within the divorce, domestic, and custody courts.

We also think we will see some interesting things happen between groups that are now very cozy but soon have a interest in excoriating each other in the family courts and domestic courts now that Gay marriage (same-sex) is legal.

We know that as it relates to Men, we have no problem seeing them lose custody battles and inequitable distribution of property, and it’s common today to see a divorced man with a restraining order or DVPO put on him under preponderance of the evidence courts where nothing has to be proved. For 60 years, feminist loved this and lawyers loved this because it gave rampant statistics of domestic violence to professional feminist who used it to get federal money for their book writing and research grants, and it certainly lined the pockets of lawyers.

However now, with two women going through a divorce, for the legal system to work one of those women has to lose and she will see herself in a custody battle, and under legal complaints the lawyers file just to inflame situations and there will be a lot more women who are screaming foul over the family courts and divorce courts and no doubt feminist will have to find a way to say that shared parenting works for divorcing women. If or how they throw men under the bus we aren’t sure.

It will also be interesting to see if the feminist run and designed family courts will keep meticulous statistics on domestic violence between same sex couples in the hopes they can continue their agenda of getting federal money, grants, etc… on the notion that domestic violence is ONLY a male on female violence issue.

Another issue that is extremely fascinating to ponder and watch is that Gay marriage (same-sex) now opens the door for couples to legally adopt children more easily and it is expected that same-sex married couples will want to have children of their own and they should.

We also know that they can not create them, and we surely know that fathers and men don’t have the children, so now ladies (see the feminist “Oh crap” moment), you are now under the gun legally to see the family courts and social services industry that gets more money when they have a child in their custody and adopted out come after you if the number of chosen adoptions does not equal the number of children available for Gay marriage adoptions.

Oh what interesting times lie ahead. It used to be that we blamed Men for everything in the family courts as it relates to patriarchy and oppressed women. But with Gay marriage now, female couples will need babies from heterosexual women by force (family courts and social services) if there aren’t enough children made available under chosen adoptions, and same-sex men (however the courts decide which one should lose). And, this statement is NOT made in opposition to Gay Marriage. Now that it is legal, they should have children and the only place they can get them is from women since we put fathers out of the family effectively 60 years ago.

With all this developing and taking shape, we have a message to heterosexual women and your domestic and family court utopia that you always knew had your back, things have changed and there is a new group in town that can make lawyers even more rich who would love to have courts battles with you to get custody of children and we suggest that you NOT come to our organizations with tears in your eyes because we are going to tell you to go fuck yourself just like you did with the fathers of your children.

It will also be interesting to see how legal abortion plays out. Again, if chosen adoptions DOES NOT make available children for the numbers of Gay marriage adoptions that are wanted then we need more available babies. Do you think it’s possible that we will see groups who used to fight so hard for legal abortion now fight against it to make more babies available?

And, do you think that we will see a feminist movement asking governments for shared parenting in the family courts when Gay couples divorce, but maintain the unequal system when heterosexual couples divorce? And what about the lawyers who will cry foul over shared parenting for Gay couples when they need to inflame things so they can file restraining orders, domestic violence orders, and have 7 year custody battles to make money?

Updated: 7/10/2015

June 26, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | 11 Comments