NC Fathers Rights

Judge Paige McThenia, Judge Lisa Bell – Mecklenburg County NC Courts

Judge Paige McThenia and Judge Lisa BellJudge Paige McThenia and Judge Lisa Bell are Mecklenburg County NC District Court Judges who decide child custody and child support enforcement cases for Mecklenburg County non-custodial families. If you are a Mecklenburg County NC non-custodial family and you have a history with Judge Bell or Judge McThenia, we want to hear from you regarding your thoughts on these Judges giving you equal parentage and access to your minor children. NC Fathers is an organization of non-custodial families who desire to Reform the Family Courts to be less divisive, about politics and special interests, and funding of social services programs. Our concern is all of these forces is the reason why millions of non-custodial fathers, paternal grandmothers, step-mothers, and other females in the paternal family are marginalized as visitor families 4 days a month. Please consider joining our MAILING LIST and routinely sharing this article on Judge Paige McThenia and Judge Lisa Bell with other Mecklenburg County families on the major social networking sites to help educate and enlighten on the issues we discuss here. We welcome any rebuttal or contact from Judge Paige McThenia or Judge Lisa Bell on these issues and will be glad to publish their response.


District Court

Judge Bell and Judge McThenia

Judge Lisa Bell, Judge Paige McThenia, and the Mecklenburg County NC Family Courts

Judge Lisa Bell and Judge Paige McThenia should be aware that from the perspective of Mecklenburg County non-custodial families, the Family Court system is divisive, broken, and dangerous to the relationship between fathers, paternal grandmothers, step-mothers, and other family members. Additionally, both Judges should be aware that these families are completely frustrated and angry at a system that is built around funding child support enforcement and social services agencies over equal shared parenting.

Judge, courts, nc

We beg Judge Paige McThenia and Judge Lisa Bell to explain why paternal families are only good enough for 4-5 days a month visitation with their children. Additionally, we urge Judge Bell and Judge McThenia to explain to non-custodial families why custodial mothers get extensive federal and state income credits and social services assistance to make financial ends meet when non-custodial families have to visit the father of these children in jail when they cannot make financial ends meet.

Roughly half of custodial mothers today have male children who will one day be pushed to the margins of their kids lives if they experience a divorce and have children. Where do you think these non-custodial grandmothers (who will also be marginalized as well) will stand then? With Equally Shared Parenting Judge McThenia? Judge Bell?

Furthermore, we ask Judge Paige McThenia and Judge Lisa Bell to explain to Mecklenburg County non-custodial families why custodial mothers get free legal representation with respect to child support, and why non-custodial families have to secure private attorneys at $5000 per incident?

How is Judge Paige McThenia going to explain the revenue generation that gives back two dollars for every one dollar collected in child support to replenish social services low income assistance programs? We wonder if Judge Lisa Bell will understand the anger of Mecklenburg County non-custodial families receiving scant visitation awards so that social services can assist people?

To learn more about the excessive funding of special interest groups, social services, and other issues related to Mecklenburg County non-custodial families needing to be alienated from their children, we encourage Judge Lisa Bell and Judge Paige McThenia to read these posts on the NC Child Support Enforcement system, NC Domestic Violence policies, and our letter to Senator Richard Burr.

NC County Court

Judge Lisa Bell, Judge Paige McThenia, and the Mecklenburg County NC Non-Custodial Families

Judge Lisa Bell and Judge Paige McThenia should recognize that Mecklenburg County non-custodial families transcends all political boundaries. These families represent African American, Hispanic, Asian, and all Ethnic men and women in the family who are equally hurt by the issues just discussed. We wonder if Judge Bell or Judge McThenia has considered how many African American fathers and women of paternity, Hispanic fathers and women of paternity, Asian fathers and women of paternity, and Caucasian Fathers and women of paternity exists in NC? Our estimates put the figure at around 4.7 million.

We wonder what Judge Paige McThenia and Judge Lisa Bell think legislators and political parties think is going to happen when 4.5 million voters start contacting legislators every few months? Regardless, what is important here is what you the Mecklenburg County non-custodial family thinks and we hope you will join our cause.

Judge Lisa Bell and Judge Paige McThenia – Our Mecklenburg County Readers Are Listening

Judge Lisa Bell and Judge Paige McThenia should be aware that our humble website is receiving 1800 readers per day (As of Dec 2011) and already have a few thousands mailing list respondents. Our goal is to continue blogging and place search engine optimized posts for every Judge, Legislator, Social Services Agency, and other entities at the top of the search engines and then use social media to reach millions of NC non-custodial families. Our goal is 1 million of these families on our mailing list FAXing, emailing, and calling Legislators monthly until the Courts are equal, the division is removed, the the political games being played on the the back of non-custodial families and their children are stopped.

We hope that Judge Lisa Bell and Judge Paige McThenia will commit to being a part of this process.

Again, please share this article on Judge Paige McThenia and Judge Lisa Bell of the Mecklenburg County NC Courts with other non-custodial families on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and other social sites to help gain momentum on this important issue. And, as always, please join our MAILING LIST to be a part of the process.

Again, if you have been before Judge Paige McThenia or Judge Lisa Bell on a matter related to child support enforcement or child custody, we want to hear your thoughts on the process. We also ask that you extensively share this article on Facebook and Twitter with other Mecklenburg County families to help gain momentum on reforming the Family Courts and Judges. Also, please join our MAILING LIST.

Posts Related to Judge Paige McThenia and Judge Lisa Bell of the Mecklenburg County District Courts – Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services, Sheriff Chipp Bailey, Representative Thom Tillis, Judge Rebecca Thorne Tin

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Please Ask <a href="">Judge Lisa Bell</a> and <a href="">Judge Paige McThenia</a> to bring Shared Parenting to Mecklenburg County children.

December 20, 2011 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , ,


  1. I have no respect for the justice system whatsoever after being in this woman’s court. The Manifest Injustice,Bias and lack of impartiality expressed by her was devastating. I was questioned about my religious beliefs,Accused of being abusive with no evidence presented to show any truth to the allegations. I was given 1 and 1/2 hours per week visitation with my children. I was arrested and jailed for 14 days with an Order stating that “It is the opinion of this court to NOT arrest the defendant at this time for non-payment of CS”. when I did get to court Judge Mcthenia noted that CS had been being deducted from my check for the last 6 months and Instead I would pay the Plaintiffs Attorney 500.00 for her appearance that day as the condition of my release. I was fired from my 20.00 an hour Job that same day for being out for 2 weeks.The Plaintiff has been allowed to renew a 50B Restraining Order for several years with again no “truthful” evidence explaining why such an order was needed. I have not been in Charlotte nor been allowed to contact my children for 4 years, nor have I made any threats “EVER” during this course of time or prior. The Emotional and Physical suffering I have endured have left me Homeless and Disabled. There is NO Justice for Fathers !!!!


    Comment by R | November 21, 2013 | Reply

  2. Is Judge McThenia an elected judge or is she appointed?


    Comment by Mrs. Somebody | May 4, 2015 | Reply

  3. People need to campaign and tell everyone to vote her out next election. She is biased. and does not do what’s in the best interest of the kids. I’m sure she is reading this so I will write a big mistake she made. My daughter moved to Michigan. One of her kids had visitation with her Dad every other weekend and lots of other days. McThenia allowed her to take the kid to Michigan. She made my daughter drive to Asheville and meet the father for his visitation. She ordered my daughter to get Skype so father could maintain visual contact with his daughter. My daughter never did it nor did she e-mail him with updates as ordered. My daughter got tired of the long rides and took him back to court and he was stripped of most of his visitation. He still has to pay that child support, too. Three months after you made this rotten call McThenia, she dumped her other kid on me. That’s right, she drove from Michigan and abandoned her. She doesn’t call and check on her, she doesn’t send a dime to help with her. In fact, the kid is seeing a psychologist now. Parental neglect, mental abuse, severe depression and tons of other problems. McThenia allows the mothers to speak and even listens to hearsay but she won’t let the father speak. I’m a female and listened to another case in your court just the other day because I can. You said a convicted drug dealer was a fit and proper person to see her kid. She lied to your face where she lived and got caught in it and told you yet another lie to cover that one up. She is scoff law and has refused to support her kids all their lives yet you took from those kids to force the father to drive 500 miles a month so she could visit only one of her kids because the other hates her. You see, the kid has watched his Daddy bust his butt working every day to give to those kids while his Mom went to jail every other month and even prison for drugs. McThenia, you made another big mistake. So father has to figure out how to add the 500 miles in the budget. He doesn’t ask for government assistance so this could mean multiple meals taken from those kids. You can bet I will not vote for you and I will tell everyone I know to not vote for you. It’s obvious you’re for the woman and to hell with the men.


    Comment by Mrs. Somebody | May 5, 2015 | Reply

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